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My Husband Is A Mafia

Chapter 4 My love

Word Count: 2154    |    Released on: 05/01/2024


is. I opened and put aside the letter that I di

ead it right after I disappear from the worl

s her Cousin but it was fake I am her twin sister ... I don't want to bother her.. I want her to be happy. Sorry Zymon.. it was my fault.. I'm not The girl

s for you, I'm not the one who made your presentation, I'm not because Arelle did all that... I

est that I be happy with you before I disappear from the world... it took a long time we've been together for a few yea

d for 6 yrs in a place Where only the two of them Know .. I'm from Vallerium World.. that's why Arelle and I got separated because don... They mommy

e I know my sister is safe wit

the letters are written in big l

tears before ly

n from your instructi

ble to figure it

rong wind blew. I clos

sion Sabrina, I'm sorry I d

n..I miss Ar

can forg


ement and folding. I picked up the next Letter.

My soul will return to the world I came from, I will leave my love an

o but I know it's time for you to love him I'm no longer in the world you live in.. I'm happy because my brother fulfilled my request that you two g

when I am sixteen years old.. Dear, tell Arelle to know the truth, I am not a real child Mama Mechelle and Papa J

ose my eyes because I know you're going to get married at the s

you crying? I sa

that important for you to cry? I k

, I'm stupid! I'm

kindness from then until now, after you got married and then

arrange marriage.. that's a different arrangement.. it's not abo

fault if she's lonely..it's your fault if she gives up or it's your fault if somet

rina's loss and she's the one

ter your wedding?

ust don't want to

him If you don't care abo

Kris..I loved the wrong one

everything! Even though I was d

ill see everything when it'

late right?" I

ect everything w

wing everything.. I don't know how to ex

cle so you can talk" I n

the video call I t

good that Zymon i

come from me, it's better that you talk t

our mommy I'll eat later Go

e you first

Wrong? Daddy is he

the truth" I said softly in front of th

t against high enemies within the mafia... You have been able to handle everything that is why you have been a

wish I had listened to

? I thought Mona found him? Is

a left me a

t is it?"

ears, right? I didn't think he left anything for you,

s found and given to me

ised, it's a miracle you were worried and the f

t because I thought it was a joke, but I read that it was true,

everything about Kay A

t dad" I s

er to him and since then and now I know what i

was the one who was ready to do everything for me .. but it's not... Arelle's dad... She's the reason I fell so hard for Sabrina. She's the one who can make me smile through Chats, through Baking, th

t to learn from what happened.. Yo

When mommy's pregnant, daddy wasn't by her side.. until we grew up. Daddy wasn't there when we went

to feel that I can face him..it's too late

an I handle it? Arie mig

forgiven, like the forgiveness

go to Paris after our we

tiny, your mommy and I promised that if you experience what we experienced, we will let you follow your de

me even though I know your mommy was angry then I

at the

in the box, what sh

mportant that you need to know" I nodded to daddy ev

find it. Talk to her, you're professional Son, you're both profess

ed for that" I said. I just remembered that we still have

. Don't worry.."

I admit dad I was mad at you but now I underst

e home, daddy will gre

" I heard

him on

You look tired? You should rest

mmy don't wo

on?" I kep

. I wish I could ta

m about to

daddy waved before t

ve USBs.. I checked One by one. S

. we have a maid here, just call when yo

content of each USB?"

he truth but you h

l open What you want

na were alive.. so she co

r I chose to sle

my eyes I can still see Arelle


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