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Life As A Billionaire Arranged Wife

Chapter 5 Heart break

Word Count: 1352    |    Released on: 05/01/2024


e really feeling," she said, her voice gentle. "It's okay to have doubts and questions, that's normal. But I don't think you're just going through the motions." “I’ll be traveling tomorrow,i don’t want you to inform Tyler about it.I know he’d be fine within a short period”I said I could feel my friend's surprise through the phone. "You're going to keep it a secret from him?" She asked, her voice full of concern. "I just don't want him to worry," I said, my voice pleading. "He's already got so much going on with work and the wedding preparation,I don't want to add more to his plate." My friend was silent for a moment, clearly thinking it over. "I understand where you're coming from," she said. "But what if he finds out and he's hurt that you didn't tell him,so I’ll suggest you go see him and explain everything to him”She said I thought about what my friend had said, and you knew she was right. "You're right, I can't keep this from him," I said, my voice heavy with regret. "I'll go see him tonight and tell him everything." My friend's voice was warm and comforting. "That's the right thing to do," she said, a sense of pride in her voice. "He'll understand, and you'll feel better for being honest with him." I nodded, feeling a weight lift from my shoulders. "Thanks, you're the best," i said, my voice full of gratitude. "You're welcome," my friend said, a smile in their voice. "Anytime you need someone to talk to, I'm here." I felt a wave of affection for my friend, so grateful for her unwavering support. I hung up and headed to my closet,I’ll be going to his office to tell him about it As i stood in front of my closet, i wondered on what to wear. I wanted to look professional, but also approachable. I finally settled on a black skirt and blazer, with a simple white blouse.I wanted to make a good impression, but i didn't want to look like I was trying too hard. I gathered my things and headed out the door, feeling more confident with each step. I opened my car door and pulled out of the driveway and onto the street, heading towards Tyler's company. I felt the anticipation building as i drove, my stomach in knots. I parked in the parking lot and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm my nerves as I got out of the car and made my way to the building, taking in the sights and sounds around me. ⭐︎⭐︎ Cassandra Pov Alarm blaring!!!! I opened my eyes and yawne

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1 Chapter 1 The beginning 2 Chapter 2 Going back home 3 Chapter 3 Home sweet home4 Chapter 4 Family love5 Chapter 5 Heart break 6 Chapter 6 It’s okay to be nervous 7 Chapter 7 Pains8 Chapter 8 Wedding day 9 Chapter 9 Heart breaking 10 Chapter 10 Healing 11 Chapter 11 Joy again 12 Chapter 12 Introducing 13 Chapter 13 Introducing 14 Chapter 14 Introducing 15 Chapter 15 Introducing 16 Chapter 16 Family dinner 17 Chapter 17 Meeting each other 18 Chapter 18 Preparation 19 Chapter 19 Pre wedding shoot20 Chapter 20 First kiss21 Chapter 21 Confusion 22 Chapter 22 Wedding day 23 Chapter 23 Wedding day 24 Chapter 24 New beginning 25 Chapter 25 New beginning26 Chapter 26 Mrs white 27 Chapter 27 Don’t love me 28 Chapter 28 Taking a flight 29 Chapter 29 Texas 30 Chapter 30 Texas 31 Chapter 31 I am tired 32 Chapter 32 Like a sister 33 Chapter 33 Back home 34 Chapter 34 Housemate35 Chapter 35 Love play 36 Chapter 36 Family’s love 37 Chapter 37 Affectionate 38 Chapter 38 Ex fiancée is back39 Chapter 39 Worried 40 Chapter 40 Fore play 41 Chapter 41 Surprise Night 42 Chapter 42 Betrayal 43 Chapter 43 Asking for forgiveness 44 Chapter 44 Fore play45 Chapter 45 Move on46 Chapter 46 Set up 47 Chapter 47 Special night48 Chapter 48 Dejection 49 Chapter 49 Divorce 50 Chapter 50 Too broken to fix51 Chapter 51 Broken 52 Chapter 52 New Beginning 53 Chapter 53 Relocating 54 Chapter 54 Back To Philadelphia 55 Chapter 55 The Stars 56 Chapter 56 Old Time Friend 57 Chapter 57 Met Katie 58 Chapter 58 Met my ex husband 59 Chapter 59 Meant To Be60 Chapter 60 Like His Daddy 61 Chapter 61 Where is the father 62 Chapter 62 Forgiveness Earned63 Chapter 63 Crazy sisters 64 Chapter 64 A Visit To Th65 Chapter 65 Family Reunion 66 Chapter 66 Happy Ending