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The Cruel Alpha's Mate

Chapter 2 Are You Okay

Word Count: 1067    |    Released on: 05/01/2024

d is that I can love her and make her my wif

g to chop up his body like this!" Brandon took

a beta. Even Rachel had looked at Victor with the intention th

the first time she had seen Brandon, who was the most ruthle

ok at him! He's like a madman." Rachel said

ght to be angry if anyone looks at you with an interested gaze." Victor explained his authority

something like this happens again. Wouldn't that spark a war between the packs?" Rachel asked

t be able to answer that question if we go a little furt

and Victor led Rachel to a quiet pla

p. Alpha Brandon is the favorite Alpha of the Moon Goddess, mainly because this pack is the strong

next to a powerful alpha like Brandon, especially since she was nothing co

like that with everyone

achel. So be nice and fulfill all his wish

el for permission to leave as he st

with a faint smile that not everyone could see. However

mood due to this incident. All the guests hurried

stained with Peter's blood, a

me to you." Brandon said, trying to calm Rachel down. B

g is that I am not interested in them, and never will be. Because I already have you." Rachel tried to get u

you. I'm worried that you have a

on replied. Even though it was Rachel who gave him the advice not to kill, he would not

weety, I'm sorry for messing up our wedding. I

n didn't throw another tantrum, even th

e she thought what Brandon had done e

e my fate, Alpha. Your jealousy is your

ides usually do after their wedding is over?" Brandon s

, then shook her head. "

nt to make love to me now?" Brandon as

l blu

my sperm seed in your womb, so I can have a

Rachel to the be


cident of Brandon killing Peter was no long

t nauseous and immediately ran to the sink and

the room, was confused because

would run away from the herd. He had bought her dearly because he wanted a st

htly as her body suddenly weakened and

kay?" aske

fted Rachel up and carried her to the bed

er arrived. She check

r medical check-up. Okay?" The Healer said to Rach

" asked Brandon. He went into the

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