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1 Chapter 1 The Awakening 2 Chapter 2 A New World3 Chapter 3 Throne room4 Chapter 4 Memories of the Past – Orphanage, Adoption 5 Chapter 5 Memories of the Past – Betrayal 6 Chapter 6 Memories of the Past – Rise to Power 7 Chapter 7 Memories of the Past – Return to the World 8 Chapter 8 Living Free 9 Chapter 9 Memories of the Past10 Chapter 10 A Surprise Visit11 Chapter 11 Archemidia12 Chapter 12 A Tour of the City of knowledge13 Chapter 13 A Dark Secret 14 Chapter 14 Dream of the past15 Chapter 15 Uncovering Nytri's History and Clearing Her Name 16 Chapter 16 Decision 17 Chapter 17 The Betrayal and Escape of Nytri: A Noble Puppet 18 Chapter 18 Nytri's Childhood19 Chapter 19 Information magic Acquired20 Chapter 20 First Hunt21 Chapter 21 The Trap and the Toxic Toad 22 Chapter 22 Abyssal Magic 23 Chapter 23 Abyss Magic Acquired 24 Chapter 24 Death's door Abyss magic25 Chapter 25 Losing Humanity 26 Chapter 26 Golems are cool.27 Chapter 27 Golems Test = Automaton28 Chapter 28 Golem set29 Chapter 29 Monster Tide – Part A30 Chapter 30 Troll Subjugation31 Chapter 31 Monster Tide – Part B32 Chapter 32 Monster Tide – Part C33 Chapter 33 RAID BATTLE34 Chapter 34 BOSS BATTLE35 Chapter 35 BOSS BATTLE 236 Chapter 36 BOSS BATTLE FINALE37 Chapter 37 Energy Generation38 Chapter 38 Variants39 Chapter 39 Champion of the Abyss – Part 140 Chapter 40 Champion of the Abyss – Part 241 Chapter 41 Champion of the Abyss – Part 342 Chapter 42 A Dragon 43 Chapter 43 Well this Sucks.44 Chapter 44 Draconic Shape-Shifter45 Chapter 45 Dragon Clan46 Chapter 46 Onwards47 Chapter 47 Abyssal Sanctum's Final Boss48 Chapter 48 The unbending boss49 Chapter 49 Paxius' Curiosity50 Chapter 50 Home of The Champion51 Chapter 51 The Calm Before the Storm52 Chapter 52 The Search53 Chapter 53 Clash in the Dungeon54 Chapter 54 Journey into a New Realm 55 Chapter 55 The New Realm56 Chapter 56 Clockwork Assassin Automata Mission 157 Chapter 57 Shelter58 Chapter 58 Surviving in the Unknown59 Chapter 59 Research 101: EP usage60 Chapter 60 Research 102: Bunker development.61 Chapter 61 Research 201: Level Breakthrough, bunker weaponization.62 Chapter 62 Research 202: Rune Breakthrough, Ultimate bunker63 Chapter 63 Research 203: Necromancy64 Chapter 64 Application Research: God Rank65 Chapter 65 Power-Up66 Chapter 66 Mama Godzilla67 Chapter 67 New Family68 Chapter 68 Life in the Data Lake: A Day in the Life of the Slaughter Variant69 Chapter 69 Evolution and Creation of a New Race70 Chapter 70 How to Farm Skill.71 Chapter 71 A blooming Relationship72 Chapter 72 Primordial god in chain73 Chapter 73 Epic Duel: Old vs New74 Chapter 74 Epic Duel: Old vs New – Part B75 Chapter 75 New Skillset and Power Upgrades: Mastery of Time, Space, and Reality76 Chapter 76 Talents Exposed77 Chapter 77 Evolution and Advancement to a Calamity.78 Chapter 78 Being a Calamity.79 Chapter 79 Being a Calamity – Part B80 Chapter 80 Family Feud81 Chapter 81 Battle for a New King.82 Chapter 82 The New King.83 Chapter 83 Spar with Ryu Rainbow Rabbit.84 Chapter 84 Rabbit season.85 Chapter 85 Slow Time.86 Chapter 86 Make Over!87 Chapter 87 Encounter with the Old Ones.88 Chapter 88 Prophecy 89 Chapter 89 First Territorial War.90 Chapter 90 First Territorial War – Part B91 Chapter 91 Friends from Nowhere.92 Chapter 92 The NIGHTMARE 93 Chapter 93 Reconnecting94 Chapter 94 Birth of the Xenos95 Chapter 95 Adventure to Pranks96 Chapter 96 First Xeno to the world or realm97 Chapter 97 The Departure98 Chapter 98 The Rift home and shenanigans 99 Chapter 99 A Festive Night in the Dungeon100 Chapter 100 Zareth's Scheme and Nalassa's Misunderstanding