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Outracing Demons (The Streets Series)

Outracing Demons (The Streets Series)

Author: Ali Parker

Chapter 1 She's A Beauty

Word Count: 1012    |    Released on: 10/01/2024


er than I’d exp

he wanted me to see. After asking him some prying questions and being met with evas

g was stock. It was souped-up, and the metallic green paint glittered in the dim lighting of his garage. Spe

slid his hands into the pockets of hi

uite growing back properly on the right side of his head where a bullet had wedged into his skull. The fact that he was still alive and fully f

weeks trying to obtain this car. His hard work seemed to have paid off, and now he had

he’s slick. P

arage floor, and he popped the hood and propped it open. He stepped back as I came

hit,” I

fast,” R

your plan

mug smile and did

icion tickled my gut. “Rick

nuckles gently on the place above the right headlight. “I did some digg

ou hear t

y.” He

w long have you been pok

e is big, Mason. The buy-in isn’t bad, and first place guarantees you a spot in

s the b

e tho

o pay for the race. The hard part would be going back to a world I thought I was done with

ny of the other dri

were looking to enter, you had a good shot of placing in the top three at least. She wants you

e sleek, and the body had been modified only a bit. The green paint danced as I paced arou

her here, and we both get to drive her when we wan


an you’re goin

ips. “Will Den

he car and then back at me before saying, “There’

go. He was also the one who’d pulled the trigg

tolen my wi

my brother on the grounds of trespassing. Rick, my buddy Benji, and I had gone to his house to get my wife, Evelyn, back from him w

me then, and it still did

u’d be ready for

hat?” I

at me. “For

know. I guess

s a yes? Y

st annual street race that existed in New York City. It was risky business getting invo


ir leader. We’d never chosen a name for ourselves, but once our presence became known, we

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