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Seventy-Seven Days

Seventy-Seven Days

Author: 25/08/81

Chapter 1 Death or Submission

Word Count: 5956    |    Released on: 14/01/2024

y, thanks to the large amounts she is paid for her work. Her parents are with her, to support them. near. Her parents believe that she has earned her fortune through her hard work,

onment of death she

er boss speaks very clearly to her since she knows that Margareth is very serious in what she does, professional and the truth is that within her she sees it as a matter of justice, so she

nner, so she will be a little late, they tell her daughter, don't worry, go to work, we will watch a

, with a good body, with a strong personality, and somewhat mysterious, he loves the night, and feeling that he is in control at all times, and yes he is a very intelligent man, almost perfect, only he keeps a secret that no one kn

stuck in the middle of the traffic, but they both manage. and they decide to take shortcuts and be able to continue driving to the same restaurant, arriving practically at the same time. Margareth realizes that there is only one free space left to park her car, so she accelerates to overtake the driver of the other car who also wants the same spot. When she speeds up, Oliver does too, causing

the and look up, this idiot doesn't get his way. While she says the same about Oliver, I completely let her win, she's too beautiful.Y parado al frente, Oliver solo la mira fijamente, y le sonríe a Margarteh, obviamente ella también lo mira directamente a los ojos, pero sin tener la más mínima intención de s

easure for me to meet you, in this very genuine way and laughs again; Margareth actually gets a little confused, since the least she expected was for O

t of each other's skin and the temperature, something happened inside each of them. Margareth felt the temperature of her hot blood inside her veins and normally it is cold blood, while Oliver could see in her dilated pupils that she was in an inexplicable ecstasy, that no woman had ever made him feel. And

makes him look very sensual, Margareth for a moment looks at how two parts of Oliver's shirt are open and this allows her to see a little of his strong chest, this makes her feel very intense sensations, a taration definitely in That moment is born between both, at the sa

Oliver that I have to go, he insists and asks: can you give me your phone number? but Margareth's type of work does not suit her, so she denies it. He looks at her and takes a card with his phone number out of his pocket and writes something on the back of this card, hands it to her and says in her ear, I insist, it was a real plea

While Margareth is sitting with Clark, who is her boss and the client. , he presents it to Margareth and she undoubtedly tells him, I just need the day and time, I'll take care

ady knows her so he leaves her alone. takes care of the rest. Oliver, seeing her leaving so quickly, gets up for a moment since their cars have had an accident and as a dominant Alpha Male, he follows her at a distance to accompany her in case she is going to order a taxi, in fact that is how it is. how is. how is. how is. how is. how is. which he did on his own initiative to make sure he protected Margareth, she doesn't know that he is behind this, when Margareth takes out her phone, Oliver arrives and says: "Can I go with you while you wait for the taxi?" Seeing that you You were so fast while I was chasing you I called someone, she smiles a little and

ss and asks the driver to take him back to the restaurant. When Margareth gets home, she greets and hugs her parents, asking them how they spent the afternoon and if they need anything. But her parents live happily and are very proud of their daughter. Margareth loves them too and is happy to see and pro

t. He goes down, prepares something and spends some time with his parents. Almost at 11:40 p.m. He says goodbye to go rest. When she goes to bed she looks at the card he gave her and when she turns it over she looks at what he wrote to her, the little note said: You are the most rebellious and beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. This turns Margareth on and makes her smile. and so she fell asleep. Oliver arrives at his m

oes shopping at a shopping center, there she receives a call from Clarck, she answers: Hello! ! How are you Clark? He replies, well Margareth, where are you now? She tells him that sh

im, the woman looks at Margareth and only gives her a photo, she tells her that she knows that her husband ordered her to be murdered, She tells him She says she won't sit around waiting for this to happen, if so she wants to see him dead too. Margareth simply says to the woman, excuse me for a moment? I need to talk to my boss about something. The woman says: yes, of course, I'll wait for you here, then Margareth says to her boss, is this woman crazy? What happened here? and Clark says: Margareth Margareth, look at it this way, you'll get paid double and that's it. If that is what they as

t for Margareth, Patricia, a slender blonde, enters. She is, let's say, one of the many friends Oliver has just to pass the time. She approaches him saying Hello, handsome, and kisses

ants to make Margareth his, he wants her just for himself. Then he pushes her and louse Patricia, what the he

nd tells her, holding her by the neck, that this is the first and last time that You try to hit me, you have no idea what I'm capable of do

r daughter's reaction. At that moment Margareth arrives and sees her parents, she greets them and hugs them, her mother smiles and says: when are you planning to introduce us to your lover, and Margareth, surprised, asks them what they are talking about? Her father tells her to look for herself, when she approaches the dining room, there is a bouquet of roses, this alerts her a little and she looks out the window, her parents ask her, what are you looking for, daughter? She tries to calm

and start talking. Lucas asks him who he wanted to talk to him about. Oliver tells him that this is a woman he met the night before and from that moment on he feels crazy about that woman, he wants her for himself, Lucas laughs and tells him but this is not strange for my friend, you always want control, and Oliver looks at him seriously and answers, but this time it's different, I want her

st calling to thank you for the bouquet of roses, it's beautiful, and to tell you yes, I agree to have dinner with you tomorrow. Oliver gestures to his friend Lucas from afar. and obviously Lucas already knew with her gesture that it was that woman he had been talking so much about. He tells her wait Margareth, don't hang up on me, give me your number to contact you,

ave the talk until then, and said goodbye. Dinner will be at 8 at night so she runs some errands, while driving her car, Margareth begins to think that she has been alone for a long time, and she is afraid to open her heart, since it could endanger whoever she loves. Obviously she doesn't want to put anyone in danger, least of all in a romantic relationship,

woman. He still doesn't think about family, but if he wants to conquer it, that is a goal he set for himself and he knows it. very good, he has

ening to Margareth, they greet each other and he He tells her: tonight you are beautiful, she smiles and thanks him, Oliver tells her that if she wants to listen to music she can turn on the player, she accepts and chooses some blues, he looks at her and congratulates her on her good musical taste, Margareth simply smiles before arriving at the restaurant where Oliver paid for a dinner reservation. Oliver stops at a viewpoint. T

el things that I have never felt and I like this. and kisses her again, while gently holding her neck, Margareth feels her body shiver, she feels her blood begin t

r on the forehead, he tells her I want to do things right with you Margareth, this makes her feel special, and a little strange, she is not one of those women who get excited so quickly but this man motivates her and activates her senses . He invites her back to the car so they can have dinner.

ot, she tells him that she lives with her parents and that she has been there for a while. long time. Margareth takes the moment to ask Oliver how he knew her address, he smiles and tells her: I followed you, that's the truth.She looks at him and asks, you are very shameless, right? He looks at her and says, I'm a very direct man and I did follow you, by the way I loved the slap you gave me that night. Margareth feels a little embarrassed, but

l and I want to feel it with you, if you understand me? Oliver at that moment gets up and stands behind her, and approaches her neck and very softly climbs into her ear whispering, yes, I understood absolutely everything you told me, even what those full lips have not yet mentioned, but I did. I know, I'm happy that you let me make you feel and feel more alive than ever. What Oliver just did was perfect for Margareth. She feels admired but

t this love so deeply, that is why he writes a letter to his beloved, this letter will accompany everything he is feeling and wants to live with her for the rest of his life. Margareth feels very in love, Oliver really managed to conquer her so she is thinking about what she wants for her future, what she feels for the man she loves makes her reflect on what she is doing and what s

ing care of us all this time. We are truly proud of you and all you have accomplished. Your father and I feel privileged. Now that Oliver has entered your life, we are delighted that y

and give you everything you deserve. I consider myself lucky to have parents like you. As for you leaving, I don't agree. with the idea. I want and I am happ

er a bouquet of roses and a letter. His parents are curious to k

r your character, but by the sweetness I saw in those eyes, the same eyes that I fell in love with. In these lines I want to thank you for the night you agreed to have

together we will be very happy. Believe me, I have never written a letter to anyone, but I love you Margareth and if you allow me, I wo

en they see how their daughter smiles with happines

wrote you; Margareth tells her: Love, how could I be hard on you if you have captivated me, although I still

haps she tells the whole truth to Oliver, this will scare him and he will walk away from her. , and it is the last thing she wants, she also loves him and wants

so it's already decided. Clark suspects what's going on but he won't let her go that easily, not just because she's the best at what she does, and everyone who goes i

g with you, but you know very well that once you're in you can't get out, so think about it very w

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