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Celebrities Gold Digging Princess

Chapter 4 Yes love, that's just one of my skills

Word Count: 1416    |    Released on: 15/01/2024

areer, but on the other hand, I couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension about being alone in the bustlin

No, Skylar, please don't cancel your shoot," I reassured her. "I want to do this, explo

gain, mentioning the confession he had made about being obsessed with me. My cheeks flushed with embarras

alright, I won't push it," she said. "Just remember to keep me

p but feel a mixture of excitement and trepidation about the days ahead. Little did I know that my adventu

l the hunger that had been gnawing at me. As I stood in the kitchen, my phone suddenly began to ri

ing messages for days, and I had canceled on him a few t

up, do you?" I said playfully,

p," he replied, his voice fi

s confidence and persistence that intrigued me. Little did I know that this phone call wou

other than Ariana Grande herself. I couldn't help but contain my excitement, not w

let his guard down and confessed, "You said she was your favorite. I was hoping you'd want to j

question about it. "Let me think about it," I replied coyly, know

reed to go, and he sounded absolutely thrilled, his excitement

romised a sweet treat. This was shaping up to be an unforgettable day, and I cou

the convoy. He opened the door for me and couldn't resist making a flirtatious comment, whispering, "You smell addictive." I couldn't help but roll my

that had been on my mind. "So, how did you get here? I mean

d. "Let's just say I had minimum help, but I worked h

I probed further, aski

d I learned to rap, play the piano, just to please them. Little did I know it was going to become my passion," he explained. His willin

parents are still back in Nigeria. I graduated last year but had been struggling to get a job until... until I met Skylar through that messy be

indebted to Sk

?" I asked

I met you," he replied calmly,

e, and I decided to leave that question for another time. The re

couldn't help but gasp in surprise. "Yes, she records here too," Evan confirmed, noticing my wide-eyed

ged me as if we were old friends, her warm and welcoming nature putting me at ease. We exchanged pleasantries

, still in awe of meeting her in person

"You know what would make it even better? Let's take a

agreed. We took a selfie together, cap

and it exceeded my wildest expectations. She was incredibly talente

freestyle video for his fans. To my amazement, the freestyle was mainly about me, and he tagge

me and suggested I call her later if she didn't call first. I was on cloud nine, feeling grateful for th

hed recording his song. He offered to take me to a restau

I asked in

t one of my skills," h

rowing stronger. He took my hand, and I couldn't help but notice his guards traili

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1 Chapter 1 Cheating scandal2 Chapter 2 Excuse me you blind 3 Chapter 3 Are you stalking me 4 Chapter 4 Yes love, that's just one of my skills5 Chapter 5 Energy for tonight6 Chapter 6 Becoming an influencer7 Chapter 7 Signed contract 8 Chapter 8 It could get you anything9 Chapter 9 Friends dinner 10 Chapter 10 Followers close to a million11 Chapter 11 She's all wet12 Chapter 12 Wants a threesome13 Chapter 13 Sleeveless shirt14 Chapter 14 He's not yours yet15 Chapter 15 Addicted to my body16 Chapter 16 She's awake boss17 Chapter 17 Tell her I accept her offer18 Chapter 18 I want to go home19 Chapter 19 Mexico awaits me20 Chapter 20 Protecting a bully21 Chapter 21 Lose your job for indecency22 Chapter 22 Terminate the contract23 Chapter 23 Why did you bring a slut 24 Chapter 24 Maybe baby daddy will kiss me25 Chapter 25 Oh, trouble26 Chapter 26 The old mansion27 Chapter 27 Can I kiss you 28 Chapter 28 We didn't use protection29 Chapter 29 You can ask me anything30 Chapter 30 We found her31 Chapter 31 Cancel dinner32 Chapter 32 He's an asshole33 Chapter 33 You saved me, I am grateful34 Chapter 34 A freak changing in the car35 Chapter 35 Besides, she's a nerd36 Chapter 36 You have already broken me37 Chapter 37 That turns me on38 Chapter 38 I love you too39 Chapter 39 You're not going anywhere and that's final40 Chapter 40 Claim we have a daughter41 Chapter 41 Stop. Please stop.42 Chapter 42 The twins are here43 Chapter 43 The twins are my cousin's44 Chapter 44 Let me get to know him45 Chapter 45 Fake wedding46 Chapter 46 You're paying for your own meal47 Chapter 47 Look like I am raised by a single mother48 Chapter 48 Why did she do it 49 Chapter 49 Is dad going to come to my show 50 Chapter 50 I'm filling for a divorce51 Chapter 51 Regret52 Chapter 52 Last tour