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The Alpha’s Witch

Chapter 4 Three

Word Count: 2329    |    Released on: 16/01/2024

ing on three hours of sleep. "You look like death," Meredith chirped from her side of the car. Unlike me, she was refreshed and ready to take on the world. Not only was she a morning person, bu

ger dance." "Right," I drawled, scooting off the bed, "I had no idea humping the air was an expression for hunger nowadays." She wrinkled her nose, "It was twerking." "No, that was grinding." "Whatever, it was still my hunger dance. Now, let's go, I can smell Helene's famous shrimp starters." I sighed and shuffled to the mirror, eyeing my messy hair and the drool at the corner of my mouth, "I'm gonna need a few minutes to fix my appearance." "Okay, I'm going down and saving some food for us. You can take your time, but just know that every minute you take is a minute closer to me devouring your portion of food too." I threw my hairbrush at her and she closed the door behind her before it could reach her. *** I smoothed out my skirt one last time and double checked my appearance. Even though the meeting wasn't until the evening, I still had to maintain a somewhat professional appearance. From what I understood, all the other leaders were here and roaming the manor so I could not just walk around with a pair of sweats on. I grabbed my phone and exited the suite just in time to see the Minister's butler lugging a suitcase down the hallway. He bowed his head at me politely, and I returned it with a smile. It looked like the final leader had arrived at last. I headed downstairs to the dining room, expecting to find Meredith sitting there, but the room was empty except for a man sitting at the end of the table. His head was bent some papers so I couldn't see his face. All I saw was slightly messy, thick black hair. He was dressed in a black shirt that was unbuttoned at the collar to reveal a bit of bronze colored skin, and I could make out a tattoo on his neck that curled and hid under the black cloth. The shirt itself was taut and didn't do anything to hide the muscular physique underneath. He made the large dining room feel small with his presence. It was like he commanded attention without even having to move. And based on the power and confidence that radiated off of him in waves, I had a strong inkling that this man or werewolf was Alpha Alrik. I decided not to greet him and distract him from his work that he seemed completely focused on since he didn't acknowledge my presence at all. Not to mention, I wasn't too keen on meeting an Alpha who hadn't bothered to show up to any of the annual meetings. I quietly grabbed a cup from a trolley cart and poured myself a cup of chamomile tea. "Refill my coffee." I froze in place with the tea kettle still in my hand at the rough voice that echoed through the room. Was he talking to me? I turned around slowly and found his cup in my face as he held it up for me to take. With pursed lips, I took the cup from his hand and decided to be nice and refill it once since I was at the tea and coffee station anyway. I didn't want to trouble the maids and make them do it. After I poured him his coffee, I made a move to give it to him when he spoke again: "Reheat my steak." My eyes narrowed at his bent head immediately, "Pardon me, Alpha Alrik, but I don't ever recall applying to be your personal servant. The Moon Goddess blessed you with two arms and two legs so please make use of them." There was a gasp from the other side of the dining room, and the sound of pots and pans hitting the marble floors echoed loudly. I winced at the ringing in my ears and sent a comforting smile to the maid, who was picking up the dishes she had dropped frantically with a mortified look on her face. I directed my attention back to Alpha Alrik, who had stopped writing but still didn't look up. A few seconds later, he slowly stood up and picked his plate off the table. I raised an eyebrow as he rotated his body toward me so I was finally able to get a clear view of his face. Saying he was good-looking would be an understatement. He had the kind of features that one would have to look twice at before realizing how attractive he really was. From the s

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