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1 Chapter 1 The body2 Chapter 2 The dangerous stranger3 Chapter 3 Who am I 4 Chapter 4 The force cooperation5 Chapter 5 Use information6 Chapter 6 At a home7 Chapter 7 Silly question8 Chapter 8 Broken ties9 Chapter 9 My fears10 Chapter 10 Attempted to sexual abuse11 Chapter 11 The disgusting act12 Chapter 12 The trouble makers13 Chapter 13 A number14 Chapter 14 Found it15 Chapter 15 Cunning men16 Chapter 16 Investigation continues17 Chapter 17 A trouble search18 Chapter 18 Impromptu trip19 Chapter 19 Threatened20 Chapter 20 The wrong kiss21 Chapter 21 The arrest22 Chapter 22 Furious about Henry23 Chapter 23 Agent Carl is spotted24 Chapter 24 I don't want to be a murderer25 Chapter 25 The past flashes26 Chapter 26 We don't kidnap to kill27 Chapter 27 Being tortured28 Chapter 28 In pain29 Chapter 29 Save his life30 Chapter 30 Henry insane31 Chapter 31 Patient Henry32 Chapter 32 Regained memory33 Chapter 33 Still restless34 Chapter 34 Justice for Sheila35 Chapter 35 The hoodlums36 Chapter 36 A kiss37 Chapter 37 No love38 Chapter 38 Helpless night39 Chapter 39 Varnished40 Chapter 40 Back in bethanna41 Chapter 41 Being caught 42 Chapter 42 Terrorist group43 Chapter 43 More complications 44 Chapter 44 I need a team45 Chapter 45 New agent46 Chapter 46 The team47 Chapter 47 In or out 48 Chapter 48 The signal49 Chapter 49 The brad mansion 50 Chapter 50 Night gone sour51 Chapter 51 Abduction 52 Chapter 52 Gamblers 53 Chapter 53 Henson is caught 54 Chapter 54 No cctv55 Chapter 55 The instructions 56 Chapter 56 My right 57 Chapter 57 The fox security58 Chapter 58 Trapped59 Chapter 59 The entrance60 Chapter 60 The footstep 61 Chapter 61 At the park62 Chapter 62 A weird voice 63 Chapter 63 The caller64 Chapter 64 A smile65 Chapter 65 Strong fighter66 Chapter 66 Strange action67 Chapter 67 Dangee68 Chapter 68 The red wolves69 Chapter 69 Caller ID, message delivered 70 Chapter 70 Large hall 71 Chapter 71 Top suspect 72 Chapter 72 The registration 73 Chapter 73 An hour74 Chapter 74 An approval 75 Chapter 75 Mass production 76 Chapter 76 The groups77 Chapter 77 Can you hear me 78 Chapter 78 Move now79 Chapter 79 Wrong direction 80 Chapter 80 The area81 Chapter 81 New men82 Chapter 82 The devices 83 Chapter 83 The investigation 84 Chapter 84 An imposter 85 Chapter 85 Forged86 Chapter 86 He's alive 87 Chapter 87 Feeling sleepy 88 Chapter 88 His other name89 Chapter 89 A story90 Chapter 90 The vehicle 91 Chapter 91 Lonely92 Chapter 92 The building 93 Chapter 93 Smiling down94 Chapter 94 English95 Chapter 95 The headboard 96 Chapter 96 On wheel chair97 Chapter 97 Into my eyes98 Chapter 98 Difficult Situation 99 Chapter 99 At the strategy house100 Chapter 100 Hidden dead body