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The Rome Express

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 1786    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

to the production of the small glass bottle, he paused, and with a

ry nodded their heads approving

heads together in clos

he detective. "You have been mo

that to take anybody and everybody into custody is always the safest and simples

ps?" The Judge was musing over the facts as he knew them. "I should like, befor

" he said, adding, "Madame will remain here, pl

nervousness had if anything increased duri

reply, with a shrug of the shoulders,

Judge, as soon as they had gained the

ugged," answered the detective; and the discussion which followed took th

Countess? How do we k

bottle," sa

-that she missed it, t

er against the maid. We

t tells more against her mistress. It is all

ading? Surely, M. le Juge, they are a wo

r as w

could be prove

u could pr

once, in the station. There is a female

ng measure. S

s must not expect to be

itate, upon my word. Suppose we are wrong? It may lead to unpleasantness

gnifier from his pocket, examined the lace,

say you, M. Flo?on? You may be m

iennes-the trimming of some underclothing, I shou

and the Chief went back himself to see that the

iendless,-for the General was not within reach,-to resist was out of the question. Indeed, she was plainly to

sinuating voice, and a greasy, familiar manner that was most offensive. They had given her the scrap of torn lace and the dé

showed he

will not harm you, my beauty, my pretty, my little one. Oh, no, no, I will not trouble you, dearie. No, trust

eatening, half-coaxing whisper, as she came up quite

that I am t

bits, twenty, thirty, forty francs-you'd better." She shook the soft arm she held

ing all over, and, feeling hastily for h

while a covetous light came into her faded eyes at the joyous sound. "Five-make it five at once, d'ye hear me?-or I'll call them in and tell them

s emptied the whole contents of

here. I am, oh, so poor, and I have children, many babies.

ner, where she stowed the money safely away. Then she came back,

told to look for it, to search for it on you;" and with a quick gesture she lifted t

pretty-right. And some day, to-day, to-morrow, whe

ad she done? Put herself into the power o

incess? What hav

ment for inspection, and as the Countess leaned forwa

one were looking, it would ruin you. I could not save you then. Sh! say

t over and over in her open palm, with a perp

d been-But how had it come here, into the posse

!" Mother Tontaine put her long finger to her lip. "Not a word! I have found nothin

He looked much disconcerted when the old woman took him on one side

tify suspicion, nothing,

ss, to his surprise, did not complain. He had expected further and strong upbraidings. Strange to say, she took it very quietly. There was no indig

h his colleague, while th

asked the Judge. "What

nswered the det

aid the Judge, slyly. "After your s

sure I shall yet justify them. But what I wish n

would sha

stance. He speaks English, and he can, if nec

d the Commissary, with his o

I will give the necessary orders, and perhaps you will

h many bows and apologies, that her regretted but unavoidable detention was at an end. Not only was she freely allowed to depart, but she was escorted by both M. Flo

vial had not been restored

d not given these a second thought, or she d

ed at a discreet distance by a modest fiacre, which pulled up, eventually, outside the H?tel Madagascar. Its occupant, M. Galipaud, kept the C

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