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Dragon God

Chapter 7 Coiling Dragon Ring (Part 2)

Word Count: 1291    |    Released on: 20/01/2024

down to a position clo

he suddenly stopped because Lin Lei felt very clearly that he had stepped

by the broken wooden frame." Lin Lei thought of the collapsed wooden frame, and he couldn't help but feel rese

a piece of rotten wood, it should be cru

lt that the thing under his feet was not generally hard,

quietly on the ground, covered with a la

on the ground, and then wiped the black ring with his dirty sleeve several times. After

k, and the material see

looks like wood or stone. There is also a ver

looked at the carvings o

i thought that the 'twist

yone, the carving skills are probably higher than him. Alas, it's a pity that there are not even

diamonds or magic cr

ood-like material, and not even the shadow of diamon

in love with this black ring. It was probably because this was the only tro

I can't wear it on my hand... find some silk thread to str

t years old, has much smaller hands than

, "Hey, that twisted thing can also be regarded as a 'dragon'. The dragon is climbing on it. On the ring, it's called... Coiling Dragon, Coilin

held up this dark and simple coil

hest pendant since he was a child. Especially since Lin Lei spent so much ef

almost time for

with dust and dirty, just like a beggar. "Oops." Lin Lei didn't think much and ran out


or, and his body already had very beautiful muscle lines. This was the result of Lin Lei's

ur body clean, and then quickly cha

thread the 'Coiling Dragon Ring'. Suddenly, Lin Lei saw a damaged linen garment of

s strong and durable. This li

ng ring, then tied it up and

As he ran, he stuffed the 'Coiling Dragon Chest Pendant' directly into his clothes, fee

t got the Coiling Dra

very happ

wards the open space to the east of Wushan Town. On the streets of Wushan Town, many civilians w

, don't be anxiou

ct. Young Master Lin Lei is af

owards the common people also made t

running at top speed. At this time, Lin Lei didn't even care to talk to the uncles and

er, and Hillman was talking. When he heard Lin Lei's foo

team and stood still, waiting

uble the penalty and return to

ed his head and chest

r lips, and the penalty was doubled after just a moment's delay. It

nning towards his positi

rations were very rhythmic, as if a giant creature w

e east." Lin Lei determi

h solemn expressions. The vibrations on the ground became clearer and clearer. All the teen

he ground, every vibration s

d of behem

dened and he st

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1 Chapter 1 Episode 1 The Ring Chapter 1 Morning in the Town2 Chapter 2 Episode 1 The Ring Chapter 2 Dragon Blood Warrior Family (Part 1)3 Chapter 3 Dragon Blood Warrior Family (Part 2)4 Chapter 4 Growth (Part 1)5 Chapter 5 Growth (Part 2)6 Chapter 6 Panlong Ring (Part 1)7 Chapter 7 Coiling Dragon Ring (Part 2)8 Chapter 8 Warcraft 'Velociraptor' (Part 1)9 Chapter 9 Warcraft 'Velociraptor' (Part 2)10 Chapter 10 Dance of the Fire Snake (Part 1)11 Chapter 11 Dance of the Fire Snake (Part 2)12 Chapter 12 The Heart of the Strong (Part 1)13 Chapter 13 The Heart of the Strong (Part 2)14 Chapter 14 Battle in the Sky (Part 1)15 Chapter 15 Battle in the Sky (Part 2)16 Chapter 16 Disaster (Part 1)17 Chapter 17 Disaster (Part 2)18 Chapter 18 The Spirit of the Coiling Dragon (Part 1)19 Chapter 19 The Spirit of the Coiling Dragon (Part 2)20 Chapter 20 Earth Magic (Part 1)21 Chapter 21 Earth Magic (Part 2)22 Chapter 22 Spring goes and autumn comes (Part 1)23 Chapter 23 Spring passes and autumn comes (Part 2)24 Chapter 24 Episode 2 Growth Chapter 1 Warcraft 'Shadow Rat'25 Chapter 25 Stupid method (Part 1)26 Chapter 26 Stupid method (Part 2)27 Chapter 27 Ernst College28 Chapter 28 Shadow rat 'Beibei' (Part 1)29 Chapter 29 Shadow rat 'Beibei' (Part 2)30 Chapter 30 finlay city31 Chapter 31 Magic Test (Part 1)32 Chapter 32 Magic Test (Part 2)33 Chapter 33 Dragon's Blood Codex (Part 1)34 Chapter 34 Dragon's Blood Codex (Part 2)35 Chapter 35 Entrust36 Chapter 36 A place where geniuses gather37 Chapter 37 1987 Four Brothers (Part 1)38 Chapter 38 1987 Four Brothers (Part 2)39 Chapter 39 Wind magic40 Chapter 40 Studying Career (Part 1)41 Chapter 41 Studying Career (Part 2)42 Chapter 42 Who is first (superior)43 Chapter 43 Who is first (Down)44 Chapter 44 Proulx Hall (Part 1)45 Chapter 45 Proulx Hall (Part 2)46 Chapter 46 surprise47 Chapter 47 Flat knife style48 Chapter 48 six years49 Chapter 49 Stone sculptures (Part 1)50 Chapter 50 Stone sculptures (Part 2)51 Chapter 51 Night in clear water paradise52 Chapter 52 Price (top)53 Chapter 53 Price (below)54 Chapter 54 invite55 Chapter 55 Journey (Part 1)56 Chapter 56 Journey (Part 2)57 Chapter 57 Warcraft Mountains (Part 1)58 Chapter 58 Pack of wolves (Part 1)59 Chapter 59 Pack of wolves (Part 2)60 Chapter 60 Crisis (Part 1)61 Chapter 61 Crisis (Part 2)62 Chapter 62 Cruel (Part 1)63 Chapter 63 Cruel (Part 2)64 Chapter 64 Beibei's strength (Part 1)65 Chapter 65 Beibei's strength (Part 2)66 Chapter 66 Black short blade (upper)67 Chapter 67 Black short blade (bottom)68 Chapter 68 Misty Valley (Part 1)69 Chapter 69 Misty Valley (Part 2)70 Chapter 70 A Girl Called Alice (Part 1)71 Chapter 71 A Girl Called Alice (Part 2)72 Chapter 72 Purple in the Night Wind (Part 1)73 Chapter 73 Purple in the night wind (Part 2)74 Chapter 74 Homecoming (Part 1)75 Chapter 75 Homecoming (Part 2)76 Chapter 76 Hogg77 Chapter 77 Stone carving price78 Chapter 78 Roses in winter (Part 1)79 Chapter 79 Roses in winter (Part 2)80 Chapter 80 A cloud of masters (Part 1)81 Chapter 81 A cloud of masters (Part 2)82 Chapter 82 Crack (Part 1)83 Chapter 83 Crack (Part 2)84 Chapter 84 Meet85 Chapter 85 Desolate snow86 Chapter 86 ten days and ten nights87 Chapter 87 liquefaction88 Chapter 88 Re-enter the misty valley89 Chapter 89 No way to heaven90 Chapter 90 deep crypt91 Chapter 91 Spiny-backed armored dragon92 Chapter 92 ruthless93 Chapter 93 Dragon Crystal Transformation94 Chapter 94 Dragon Blood Warrior95 Chapter 95 Mysterious magic circle96 Chapter 96 Breaking the news97 Chapter 97 Master of stone carving 98 Chapter 98 practice sword99 Chapter 99 Apply for graduation100 Chapter 100 Second in history