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Bloodlust: Vampire Hunters

Chapter 4 Chapter – Kelson Green

Word Count: 2792    |    Released on: 22/02/2024

wer Bridge. It was supposed to be silent, b

Wings engraved on it. He stuck the small cross into the ground, and in a flash, a golden light appeared,

tlefield, filled with dried up bones and broken bodies. The entire world was dark and gloomy.



t hurts

r people sud-denly appeared. They fell from the sky and kicked up a clo

ut? Wang Bu Gui... It's you who called them

ld actually appear. If they were to die here, it would be equivalen

ht against the vam-pires, and you made the barrier, bringing us here.

to pull them back. He stood at the front of t

u need to fight. There is no mercy in the battlefield. I can't protect you here." He

t's actually just a few kids. I

Cross Sword, and Barnard quickly went forward to use his sword to block, and at the same time, Nicolas spread his blood wings and

owing that, the sword's red light exploded out as Kelson soared into the sky and slashed down at him

ntil the fire pillar shot up from the ground and to the sky. Barnard and Nicolas anxiously dodged. Annie took the oppor

the fireball up, and the scat-tered black flames burned

all party led by a viscount. Merutia used a fireball to attack them, but it did not h

and the viscount used his sword to block as he re-treated. When he seized the opportunity, he quickly rushed to t

caused Wang Bu Gui to hear a light cracking sound from his arm

o do a series of kicks, making the viscount caught off guard. A kick tilted the viscount's body, and his sharp sword

her fists struck out like a storm. With the last heavy kick, Chiou sent him flying out. Wang Bu Gui then f

bound by dozens of vines and a dozen more icicles were flying to him. Merutia seized the chance to give a hand, when Chiou summoned her giant scythe back

ock their lines of sight, and then opened his Blood Wings to fly towards Merutia. At this tim


d the two flying before he flew towards Merutia once again. Just as his bloody hand was

chains on her left arm and tightly locked the viscount in-side. The viscount tried his best to get out, but i

ot; He jumped at the Visco

owl of pain. After that, he once again erupted with blood energy and heavily in-jured Druid, cau

s the violent blood energy was gathered on his hands, he conti

punch. Although his blood energy did not have the power of the sea, it still had the power of

. After three slashes, she completely destroyed the viscount. It wasn't that this viscount

fter all, the battle would have changed ten thousand times in a blink of an eye, and the outcome could be deter

nd Chiou coordinated with them from this side to the other side. The four of them coor-dinated with each other, attacking and defending in an orderly fashion. When th

is head torn off by another Count. And several of the High Knights had triumphed over

r with them. Some knights chose to detonate the holy power in their bodies before they died, bringing

d to kill your enemy. But in the next moment, you would be killed by someone


h continued to soar, and he was gradually suppressing them. Annie used her Black Magic to bombard them crazily, but was unable to do anything about them. Because Kelson had released

the evil in the world for God! The Judgment Holy Flame Sword! " His Holy S

y were incinerated before the sword could even reach them. Annie used her own blood as an offering, and chanted an incantation, summoning

e. Otherwise, I can take this attack." Annie covered the wound on

t expect that we would face off against the leader of the Seraph Knights this time. We can't let him heavily injure all three of us when we get to

ngth is only around 70% of its full potential. Don't go all out." After Nic

ant demons. Even if you did not lose any strength, you would still not be my match. In front of my God, al

energy and slashed out, but Barnard dodged the attack with ease. Kelson then pierced for-ward with his shield, causing his sword and his body to hit Barnard. Just as Kelso


ark red flames engulfed the ground. The surrounding Blood Sl

right?" Druid

t combat power in your Sanctuary's Knight Hall. The reason why the var-ious forces' strongest comb

aled, and Kelson who was in the middle of the pit was virtually unhar

nt, Kelson looked extremely pure and holy. He slowly walked towards the two in

e, bring your power to my body, and use the sacred flame of justice to

ess sacred flames, burning all the Blood Slaves into ashes, who didn't even have time to

eld. The sacred flames continued to strike the shield, slowly incinerating the shield l

ly tore apart their barrier and fled far away. Kelson did not chase after them, but turned around to kill all the vam-pires. After that,

o Wang Bu Gui and the rest, but Wang Bu Gui firmly replied: "I won't go back, be

s one. Even when dealing with the viscount, you had to expend so much effort, so w

I won't go back. I'll still fol

ly understand wha

e day I became a B

soon as possible. However, since you guys should be responsible for your own lives, no one will

I can trap them and they won't come out.&q

re, we will rely on them to protect the world. Thi

of victory are still not high. If they are able to survive after being baptized in

ho was joking with Merutia and Dru-id, a tra

d cruel reality these three people would experience tonight. She thought for a mo-me

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1 Chapter 1 Chapter I: The Dracula(Volume : Bloody Melody )2 Chapter 2 Chapter : The Sanctuary3 Chapter 3 Chapter : The Battle Began4 Chapter 4 Chapter – Kelson Green5 Chapter 5 Chapter : Black Tower Mage6 Chapter 6 Chapter : Clara's Fury7 Chapter 7 Chapter : Blood Hunter8 Chapter 8 Chapter : Alice, Wang Xuanming9 Chapter 9 Chapter – Fighting against the Infantes10 Chapter 10 Chapter : Reunion of the Main Forces11 Chapter 11 Chapter : The Final Duel12 Chapter 12 Chapter : Violent Collisions13 Chapter 13 Chapter : Life Is An Art14 Chapter 14 Chapter – Dracula15 Chapter 15 Chapter : The Final Fight Began16 Chapter 16 Chapter The Holy Lance of Longinus17 Chapter 17 Chapter Descend! The Red Dragon King18 Chapter 18 Chapter Wang Xuanming's Forbidden Art19 Chapter 19 Chapter Destruction of the Mountains and Rivers of 10,000 Realms20 Chapter 20 Chapter The Dead of the Blood Hunter Clan21 Chapter 21 Chapter The Death of a Beauty22 Chapter 22 Chapter Searching, Crying23 Chapter 23 Chapter The Azrael24 Chapter 24 Chapter The Pact25 Chapter 25 Chapter The Path from Now On26 Chapter 26 Chapter Farewell27 Chapter 27 Chapter The Lonely Halloween28 Chapter 28 Volume II: The Cultivation Road - Chapter Going to the Kunlun Mountain29 Chapter 29 Chapter Looking for a Master30 Chapter 30 Chapter Divine Cudgel31 Chapter 31 Chapter Breathtaking32 Chapter 32 Chapter The Reason for Learning the Ways of Tao33 Chapter 33 Chapter The End of the Search for One's Own Path34 Chapter 34 Chapter The Foundation of a Hundred Days35 Chapter 35 Chapter Drawing in Prana Power36 Chapter 36 Chapter The Secret of the Eight Limits37 Chapter 37 Chapter The Blending of the Prana Power and the Blood38 Chapter 38 Chapter About Cultivation39 Chapter 39 Chapter The Limit of Prana Power40 Chapter 40 Chapter Endless Golden Body Manifestation41 Chapter 41 Chapter Maximal Power42 Chapter 42 Chapter Training with Stone43 Chapter 43 Chapter The Star Gate of the Purple Waterfall44 Chapter 44 Chapter Maximal Speed45 Chapter 45 Chapter Trespassing into Restricted Area46 Chapter 46 Chapter The Fate47 Chapter 47 Chapter The Acuity Limit48 Chapter 48 Chapter Fate in the Divine Lake49 Chapter 49 Chapter The Explosion Limit50 Chapter 50 Chapter The Late Arts Universe51 Chapter 51 Chapter Spiritual Beast Cheerleading Team52 Chapter 52 Chapter In Remembrance53 Chapter 53 Chapter Disaster on the Path to Immortality54 Chapter 54 Chapter Tempering of the Body55 Chapter 55 Chapter The Vow: Building an Invincible Body56 Chapter 56 Chapter Tempering Body in the Jade Lake57 Chapter 57 Chapter What the Primordial Spirit Saw58 Chapter 58 Chapter The Jade Soul59 Chapter 59 Chapter The Puppet Soul60 Chapter 60 Chapter Experience in the Human Society61 Chapter 61 Chapter The Secret Realm in Jiu Zhai62 Chapter 62 Chapter The Way of Mending the Heavens63 Chapter 63 Chapter Revisiting Sichuan64 Chapter 64 Chapter Heizhugou65 Chapter 65 Chapter Battling Stone Gate Pass in Fury66 Chapter 66 Chapter Wandering for Three Years67 Chapter 67 Chapter The Gates of Hell68 Chapter 68 Chapter The Ten-Year Cultivation Road69 Chapter 69 Chapter Leaving for the Mountain Tai70 Chapter 70 Chapter Injustice in the World71 Chapter 71 Chapter Friending with Other Cultivators72 Chapter 72 Chapter Trespassing into Nature's Land Together73 Chapter 73 Chapter The Dragon Trapping Well of Beijing74 Chapter 74 Chapter A Shocking Turn of Events75 Chapter 75 Chapter If I Direct You to the Path of Immortality76 Chapter 76 Chapter Brothers in a Time of Troubles77 Chapter 77 Chapter Meeting at Mount Tai78 Chapter 78 Chapter The Young Prodigies79 Chapter 79 Chapter The Meet Begins80 Chapter 80 Chapter The Grace of a Prodigy81 Chapter 81 Chapter Dress Up as Pig to Eat Tiger82 Chapter 82 Chapter The Gamble83 Chapter 83 Chapter A Great Loss84 Chapter 84 Chapter Initial Sultry Battle85 Chapter 85 Chapter Become Famous in a Fight86 Chapter 86 Chapter Fighting for the Last Eight87 Chapter 87 Chapter Scarlet Heaven Sword88 Chapter 88 Chapter Graceful in Victory, Cool in Defeat89 Chapter 89 Chapter What is the Meaning of Cultivating One's Body 90 Chapter 90 Chapter The Final Eight91 Chapter 91 Chapter The Quarterfinal92 Chapter 92 Chapter Overpowering Halberd93 Chapter 93 Chapter A Battle Between the Buddhism and the Taoism94 Chapter 94 Chapter Extremely Poweful Wills95 Chapter 95 Chapter The End of the Quarterfinal96 Chapter 96 Chapter Ending the Battle with a Punch97 Chapter 97 Chapter The Magic Weapons for the Top Four98 Chapter 98 Chapter The Semifinal99 Chapter 99 Chapter The Soul in the Halberd100 Chapter 100 Chapter Fighting Against the Heavenly Girl