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My Never Ending Love

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1501    |    Released on: 23/01/2024

we were partners. At least even th

math!" Lieutenant Kun's female voice shout

it easy for you Jazlene." Cali

, I used to be a soldier." I

ged and kneed me in the stomach. I s

e, fight!" Cali sh

and grabbed his leg. I pulled him closer to me before

will retouch it when it breaks!" Cali

trapped here. I immediately raised my two legs and grabb

No offense." I said to Cali bef

f her and stood up. I heard that our companion

o Manta-C, you're one of the tacticians. Well done, sit down and I'll explain what's

soldier? You're a soldier." Cali asked

ot aiming. I can't even h

ted. It's only been a


ause I arrived late, I was not able to

l no match for Hanako by chance. I ente

you join? Weapon combat is next." L

t my weapon." I told you a

e name of one is Matias. It was obvious that

and ability. I've drawn Yosefand Jazlene, come here first." Lie

yet and there's another Guo she can fight against. Oh

the middle. This one seem

d is weak." I pissed off Matias and pr

it me." Jazlene said to Matias before whi

et started." I told Jazlen

whip, we're really partne

e a weapon?"

ogant and annoyed with Ja

ieutenant Kun

h my hand and just held it because there was no electricity flowing. H

Jazlene go!" Mat

because I hugged Jazlene. Tsk,

d Jazlene and kicked her. I he

u can do?" I got mad at Jazlene an

is suddenly

teleported away. It turned out that Ja

Jazlene whispered in my

l, I flipped him over on the f

talk about some matters." I said t

oing to answer with hotd

your wife first!" I pissed o

e already teleported. I will bor


Maybe this one is his room. My lodge is les

o you need from me?" I asked Jelal.

lk about." He said calmly and drank

ut? And why am I involved? Abo

stronger than me. He might suddenly throw me out the

is daughter with Fabian Duque, Aunt H

really raped!?" I a

be that I was not the only close friend of his

I'll tell you everything. But you should know that

immediately. Are we siblings? H

u mean?" I

ve a brother! Also, even though he's hands

n Rullan, a Filipino. I always used to run away from da

he says! Couldn't h

right, father's name is Davon Rullan. How did you know? I must be a stalker." I calmly to

dad's daughter but when she found out about me too late, Aunt Hanako caught me. Aunt Hanako took me to the camp of the

n you prove that we are brothers

omething light and energy came out of us, didn't it? That's your power. I don't know what yet but I will find out. Let's pas

can't process everything I know yet. W

me?" Yosef Asked and

who used to always get a coconut for me–

ree to give to me. She also gave me a paper doll wh

ere, sister?" Brother

nd hugged him tightly. He

what does

om opened loudly and Killian was

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