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The Heroine Queen

Chapter 5 Chapter Monsters!

Word Count: 1545    |    Released on: 20/02/2024

le. The continuous screams tore the sil

hole, a killing trap. It had swallowed plenty

ciousness, waiting for abuse by Black Killer, waiting for b

as also waiting, waiting for completing i

less with no sense of leaving and was a

e celebration of its success, but why was it still so irritating? It had no need to wait here, but

Why was it concerned about the situation insid

py with the completion of the duty,

Killer had arranged for it. Perhaps it did n

ircled around the soul-absorbing vase and looked at it. She was

arrior, constantly approaching the va

riven by this invisible force, she was "working" hard wit

t for the horrible crack when Zhang Yunyan was thrown by the vase. In the hole wi

attacked by the vase again and again? Were there horrible monsters hiding in the d

ng hole? Were there any horrible monste

ot know. Nobody would know what kind

except the continuous crack. There were no m

own away by the vase and she had circled around the large

and went straight to the soul-absorbing vase. When her hands would touch it, she

eld at the outside of the disc. It was the

attracted by the hole in front of her before she

was an abnormal movement inside and another horrible crash tu

nd blue light, unconsciously leaving the carve

right hand held on the rock wall of the

he hole, where the loud noise came

at Yunyan had lost her consciousness. Even if her soul was

blue light flashed by, following with a loud noi

nd the process of being thrown. All

le sense of her, or the loud noise attract

reason, Yunyan was unconsciously goi

also unaware. Everything happened in a stu

wn, the small hole suddenly chang

felt nothing about the amazing change. S

s big disc and then stood up mechanical

light disappeared. She had no reflection for the obvious change. It seem

light and why the light disappeared. Everyt

her was the same. She also had no feeling and n

right hand, finding a piece of pap

s still numb. She did not know what it

tly tearing it, which was a kind of

was torn and dropped on

ang Yunyan was about to get up and go to the soul-absorbing vase t

ll round table, jus

nd table. The outside part of it was a ring wit

g her hands to touch the ring with the sc

hole after the blue light disappeared. The eyes shone with

It had thick limbs and looked very strong. Its mout

g Yunyan and was scared to scre

k human language.

and had no fear. She knew nothing about the monster's appearan

changes. She could not be interested in them. She un

tian Hole immediately changed. The blue light strengthened, formi

al flowers, the powerful soul-absorbing vase, and s

o response. She did not loosen her strength of hold

Tongtian Hole, which were the terrible chang

ame time, it rushed into the shiny doom, grasping the semicircular

this fierce god took a

ng Yunyan with a nervous and suspici

. It was observing her and thinking. It felt confused a

Even if she was not abused by this monster, s

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1 Chapter 1 Chapter The Mysterious Cave2 Chapter 2 Chapter The Magical Vase3 Chapter 3 Chapter Sudden Changes4 Chapter 4 Chapter Impossible to Escape the Doom5 Chapter 5 Chapter Monsters!6 Chapter 6 Chapter Continuous Dangers7 Chapter 7 Chapter Accidental Change8 Chapter 8 Chapter Tongtian Precious Carriage!9 Chapter 9 Chapter Encounter Monsters10 Chapter 10 Chapter Dangers11 Chapter 11 Chapter Be Caught12 Chapter 12 Chapter Life on the Line13 Chapter 13 Chapter Another Trick14 Chapter 14 Chapter Impossible to Escape from Doom15 Chapter 15 Chapter The Strange Elves16 Chapter 16 Chapter Who Was She 17 Chapter 17 Chapter Vixen!18 Chapter 18 Chapter Misty Flower19 Chapter 19 Chapter Dangers Are Approaching20 Chapter 20 Chapter Brown Bear Demon21 Chapter 21 Chapter Despair22 Chapter 22 Chapter Turtle Demon23 Chapter 23 Chapter Surprising and Unexplained24 Chapter 24 Chapter Dreams Are Hard To Achieve25 Chapter 25 Chapter Iron Egg26 Chapter 26 Chapter Miracle27 Chapter 27 Chapter Fighting28 Chapter 28 Chapter Struggle29 Chapter 29 Chapter Going to the Outside World30 Chapter 30 Chapter Danger Remained Here31 Chapter 31 Chapter Difficult to Realize the Dreams32 Chapter 32 Chapter It Was Him!33 Chapter 33 Chapter The Shining Incomplete Moons 34 Chapter 34 Chapter Mysterious Elves35 Chapter 35 Chapter Tracking36 Chapter 36 Chapter The Shining Full Moon 37 Chapter 37 Chapter Choice of Life and Death38 Chapter 38 Chapter Mysterious Hole39 Chapter 39 Chapter Worried40 Chapter 40 Chapter Inexplicable Feelings41 Chapter 41 Chapter Magical Mystery42 Chapter 42 Chapter Come to the Alienated World43 Chapter 43 Chapter Discriminate the Evils44 Chapter 44 Chapter Dangers Are Approaching45 Chapter 45 Chapter A Great Calamity Was Impending46 Chapter 46 Chapter Missing47 Chapter 47 Chapter Affection in This Alienated World48 Chapter 48 Chapter Danger Was Coming49 Chapter 49 Chapter The National Disaster50 Chapter 50 Chapter A Critical Situation51 Chapter 51 Chapter A Fierce War52 Chapter 52 Chapter Preparation for a War53 Chapter 53 Chapter Black Clouds Dominate the City54 Chapter 54 Chapter Octagonal Heaven-swallowing Formation55 Chapter 55 Chapter Sacrifice Lives to Fight in the Battle56 Chapter 56 Chapter The Power of the Magical Sword57 Chapter 57 Chapter Break the Formation58 Chapter 58 Chapter A Parrot Elf!59 Chapter 59 Chapter Eager to Dart Homeward60 Chapter 60 Chapter Roadside Justice61 Chapter 61 Chapter No Discord, No Concord62 Chapter 62 Chapter Ripples Were Hard to Calm Down63 Chapter 63 Chapter The Bitterness of Love64 Chapter 64 Chapter Difficult to Realize the Dreams65 Chapter 65 Chapter Life on the Line66 Chapter 66 Chapter Desperate Struggle67 Chapter 67 Chapter Trapped in the Monster Cave68 Chapter 68 Chapter Mysterious Power69 Chapter 69 Chapter The Horrible Demon Formation70 Chapter 70 Chapter Another Trap71 Chapter 71 Chapter The Pain of Death72 Chapter 72 Chapter The Evil Dragon's Appearance73 Chapter 73 Chapter Being Swallowed by the Evil Dragon74 Chapter 74 Chapter The Mystery of the Flying Sword75 Chapter 75 Chapter Who Was He 76 Chapter 76 Chapter The Mystery77 Chapter 77 Chapter The Mysterious Moon78 Chapter 78 Chapter Amazing Danger79 Chapter 79 Chapter Magical Skills.80 Chapter 80 Chapter Another Danger81 Chapter 81 Chapter Was It an Elf 82 Chapter 82 Chapter Ganoderma Lucidum Elf83 Chapter 83 Chapter Unexpected Escape84 Chapter 84 Chapter She Was an Elf!85 Chapter 85 Chapter Unchangeable Decision86 Chapter 86 Chapter Go to the Cave alone87 Chapter 87 Chapter It Was Him!88 Chapter 88 Chapter Emergency89 Chapter 89 Chapter The Theory of Fate90 Chapter 90 Chapter The Dreamy of Love91 Chapter 91 Chapter He Was Not Xiao Tianlong92 Chapter 92 Chapter Another Accident93 Chapter 93 Chapter He Was the Prince!94 Chapter 94 Chapter The Dilemma of Love95 Chapter 95 Chapter The Painful Choice96 Chapter 96 Chapter Deep Love97 Chapter 97 Chapter Return98 Chapter 98 Chapter Run for the Future99 Chapter 99 Chapter Teaching100 Chapter 100 Chapter Struggling Desperately