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The Second Violin

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 3116    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

my on account of permanent disability from injuries received in the Philippines,--"two cripples should be able

Celia, who lay upon her couch at the other side of the room. She gave him a somewhat

Charlotte came to the door of the room. "What d

Charlotte responded, prompt

ate? I've no compunction about getting up festivities on a

gotten all about it! Lanse's bi

od! Can you make him a b

arlotte, eagerly. "I've ju

one, on account of the lady on the couch there, who reminds me at the moment of a water-lily whom som

previous one had been. Nobody could resist Uncle R

tches of gray at the temples, very much like a bright-faced boy with an irrepressible spirit of energy and interest in the life about him. It could hardly be doubted that Capt. John R

estival," Captain Rayburn went on.

weeks," Charlotte said. "

't play, bo

d. "I should be tir

but we'll see. Anyhow, I

!" cried

octor here next door, and two or three of your girl f

Doctor Forester and Norman Carter,

be here. Invite somebody for each one, mix 'em all up, play some jolly games, and you'll find Doctor Forester vying with Norman Carter for the prize, and en

rty," agreed Charlotte, and

ttle girl?" Captain Rayburn asked Celia, whose smi


e low in the tub

a li

od reas


ee, such as its owner demands. Owner a bit restless, physically and mentally. Plans for the winter upset--second lieutenant w

ack to its old position, and tears forced themselves out

ew Mexico keeps flowing under the edge of the tent and ma

a no

locomotive shops very satisfactorily. Doctor Churchill told me yesterday that he's won the liking of nearly all the men in his shop--which means more than a girl like you can guess. Jeff and Just are

e went a pitiful weakness in the tall figure, whose lines still suggested the martial bearing which it had not long

. "They're not imaginary battles that the colonel lie

hen Celia spoke unsteadily f

you ever mean eno

e in his voice. "Why, yes--jealous of my colonel, my lieutenants, my orderlies, my privates, my doctors,

d everybody who could walk. Poor Uncle Ray! But you weren't small

rk Lieutenant Garretson had done with my men at Balangiga. A mere boy, Garretson! The whole world applauded it. If I'd not been knocked out so soon it wo

his fingers relaxed for an instant; and it

rvice weren't the only ones with chances before them. I had mine--a different commission from the one I had coveted,

ed down at Celia again he found her eyes full of pity, but thi

e hospital tent I wouldn't have missed for a year's pay. And you, who are to be only tempo

into the room, bearing on a plate a gr

imes and slumped it every time. Now Fieldsy has shown me what was t

tweaked a lock of Captain Rayburn's thick hair, and was flying away when

nse remembered his own birthday at all was a question. When he came home at six o'clock

sed up yourself," he

all she would tell him, and Lanse groaned over the f

an with the birthday anxiously looking ov

How are you, Norman? You'll find Just in a minute. Miss Houghton, now you and I can settle that little question we were discussing. Charlotte, you rogue, you and Un

the r?le of host, and enjoyed himself immensely. Celia, watching him

er without realising what was the matter with us. No wonder poor Lanse appreciates it. He's had a month of

ench gray, a tint which set off her warm colouring to advantage. Celia had thrust several of Captain Ray

that I can say whether a fresh carnation is to be preferred to a newly pic

very lovely, if a trifle frail in appearance from her month's quiet, and it was c

ted by Just. The distinguished gentleman from the city was enjoying himself immensely, for he was accustomed to social functions of a far mor

ing to prop up Celia so that she might try to play, "but since you insist we'll give you all you'll wan

ar of the old music, everybody did his and her best, and Capta

Doctor Churchill gently took her violin from he

ter. "Churchill, you're in luck to l

ed the younger physician, "I shall know what to pr

ping Charlotte and the boys serve the sandwiches and chocolate, which appeared pres

good time since I came

ewhat irrelevantly. Then as the doctor looked quickly at her and laughed,

gets her newly acquired dignity as a doctor's housekeeper. I'm mighty glad Fieldsy can be of service

ily. The doctor paused, delayed them both a moment while he

e, there's a certain homesick young docto

s in the kitchen and you in here with a tray full of hospitality

te could not be sorry for the impulsive speech. But she found herself wondering

best chocolate ever brewed! Doctor Forester wants another cup, and all the fellows l

ng clean crazy when she would have three double-boilers made. But it seems she knew her friends' appeti

e filling of the tall blue-and-white chocolate pot. "People know they are going to get something good when they c

ake, Mr. Jeff!" c

otte, coming out. Doctor Churchill was


manded Charlotte. "Norman Carter and Just ha

ead with a rapid hand. The doctor, laughing, undertook to butter the slices, and Jeff

able to announce that every

burn's contribution to the festivities. "You'd have to give 'em sody-crackers now if they wasn'

success--a big, old-fashioned orange "layer-cake," with pale yellow icing, twenty-three pale yello

cried Doctor Churchill. "

rlotte made it herself, and I didn't know but she'd go crazy over it, fir

ng that Doctor Forester leaned back in his chai

cake, Churchi

It was joy enough to

anded Forester. "It wa

sister about and made her face the company. A friendly round of applause greeted her, mingled with exclamations of s

red Charlotte, and would hear no more of the cake. But

training Charlotte is getting. She'll be a per

end, with an appreciative glance at the face which always reminded

ked, eagerly, for hi

this sort of thing as quietly as you are bearing it," he s

spect was well worth earning. And half an hour afterward, as Lanse stooped to gather her up and carry her up-stai

't be the second lieutenan

is strong arms, remarked, "I s

laughing, exchanged a sympa

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