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The Alpha's Runaway Breeder

The Alpha's Runaway Breeder

Author: Anniee

Chapter 1 A night of nightmares

Word Count: 1883    |    Released on: 23/01/2024


t lay ahead of them. Water flowed down the cramped street, carrying the mud and dirt past me, a young girl standing under an umbrella with

n is getting heavier." I placed more streng

said, calling me by the nickname

, and since then, it was just my stepf

impossible for the umbrella to stop all the rain from reaching our legs and shoes. My aunt gave a look at m

had to be sold to a customer today. We owned a little shop at th

gardless of what he did, the income was less than predicted. After all, its location was distant w

t even after an hour had passed, no one had come. I wondered whether the man would even come with such awful rain flooding the streets. Pe

g?" I heard my mother wh

eck the store to make sure they aren't there," he replied, readyi

d to look over her shoulder to meet my eyes that stuck out radiantly in the gloomy weather, "Your father and I shall go se

uch quicker," I promised, only to

etting lost. Do as you are told," his word

ich often made me wonder whether he

gave a reassuring smile to have my mother return a small nod

le who lived in moonlit packs, as the sunny days were sparse in comparison. We werewolves who lov

sky darkened further as a carriage passed by me without stopping, not cari

out, little roof that helped reduc

ng wet. As I stood there waiting for my family to return, all the while keeping an eye out so that I did not

design and color. Such luxuries generally belonged to men and women of the upper class. The most contact I had with this tra

is particular carriage had stopped

ul. Even though it made everywhere wet and muddy. When the wind hit my face, m

rried, fearful something had happened to them. I wondered whether I should go look for them to make sure they

walking towards me with an umbrella. It was a man wearing a large

as l

others could treat us however they wanted

e agreed on. Don't you know the vegetables will soak in the water due to your carelessness? You will have

eyes inspecting me from top to

ght?" He asked and I nodded

across his mouth whic

in the rain, but they should be back any second now. Y

ng the vicinity to ens

helter in their homes to avoid be

can take it." I patted the sack of potatoes

t me, a smile fo

has already

be the man trusted my uncle, and they shared a business history wit

ack next to me, the man seized my

udden change. "Let go of my hand," I said firmly as I t

the slab to throw away later. Taking hold of it, I jabbed it right into his face, d

ain came down on me with anger and my wet hair stuck to my face as I ran. With the countless puddles that littered the ground, every

cker was persistent in following me. I ran with all my might, turning into alleys and cro

d been ages since I had

to anger the animal, just disliked me for no apparent reason and seemed to pursue

I covered my mouth and pulled my wet dress between my

heart pounding a

om the edge of the pillar. This alley led to a three-way fork road

long as it was not the fourth op

e man picked t

hed the storefront, they still hadn't come back, leaving me clueless about what to do next. I knew I couldn't carry t

umbrella and started walking home directly, letting t

remonition. I paused and turned around to see if someon

then I saw Mr. Armani standing in front of me. Before I c

irections, the rain finally came to a stop. In just

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