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A Bride For Rent.

Chapter 3 The Audition.

Word Count: 1293    |    Released on: 25/01/2024


es as possible, luckily they were both out she sighed in relieve and

" She held her ches

Koreans word with me, are you cursing

mom actually" Rosette re

Jane said and glance at her from head to t

he said touching her top which look almost like a bra, she was

ly putting on a bum short which

nothing and

ly lost your wor

already late, you are delaying me" Rosse

n't you dare get pregnant or I swear I'm

a kiss before rushing off. Jane


sper ask Alec and Luke for the fiftee

on't you trust

er s

dded and Jasper nodded, A

ld come in" he announced be

like a complete teenager, you won't know

come closer while smilling, only that

mile cutely and Jasper

te" Luke winked seduc

ou" Hann

irlfriend" Luke add

ayboy" Al

e here. I want this done and

him before turni

ore about your

t, I love a thing and singing" Hanna introduce a

unny?" Lu

you are 26" Jas


You obviously look like a 16 teenage

did yo

very way, No b**bs no @ss, Who the f**k is 26 wi

c and Luke cal

ily, she almost start cryi

sper said

just...." Before Luke could

lec shot h

said the truth

k her, she just have to act

ey all face her, and Jasper starte

o Short, even her clothes nearly

toddler" Jasper said h

ing out in tears,she seems really hurt

d them if you want your money quickl

id you even want to lea

have every right to choos

hange glances and

mmediately stood up and rush

y?" Alec ask

ot a girl, Ma'am are you in your 5

lady said

d allow your daughter to come for this instead

odness sake" T

ed and burst Into anot

is" Alec and Luk

the one for you" The l

take a break please" Luke


Jasper shouted after them, he sit an


cause of Jasper nasty attitude. He would laugh at them

already?" Alec suggested

e, I'm sorry"

l if I believe

o" Ale

last. I'll behave" Jasper sai

n please" Alec said and a lady

ight face because he di

e outskirts of New York with my mom and my only sister Alice, I'm a college student, I love singing and dancing and

nd Ale

ful" Alec said

Rose blew him a kiss and

asper who was watchi

something to your personality"

is?" Ro

her @ss but Rose was quick to g

you are doing?" Rose

omplete slut right now" Jasper said and Rose

d unbelievably, no one

you are here to be fucked so quit playing..." A

uke stood

Are you crazy?" Jasper

ll show you the real meaning of

They a

ed, This is my missing personality" Rosette said and imm


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