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Mermaids of Calabar

Chapter 2 Fear and Obsession

Word Count: 3304    |    Released on: 24/01/2024


diq Infinity

orror, Supernatural, Rom

ins contents that is not appropriate for anyone under 18



unity of ours, all he's been getting his scorn and hatred. Nobody likes him. . Akanimoh Except the women of course. Some of them like him. . Pastor Edet That's because they're fascinated and turned on by his handsome looks and charm. . Asibong So Ambrose, what you're saying is that Joseph stealing because of how people treat him. . Ambrose Sure! Can't you see? He's a young man living with a poor woman whose financial income is pitiful. . Akanimoh Even if it's true you don't have proof and we can't just arrest the young man. . Asibong I don't believe it's Joseph but if I were to blame anyone, I would blame Chief priest of Ananse, his followers have done doing all sorts of sacrifices lately.. I wouldn't be surprised if they're the ones behind this. . Shortly after that statement, The Chief priest of Ananse appears at the scene and blasts Asibong for his slanderous comment and sternly warns him not to blame him for the crisis. . Ekanem May Ananse curse your foul mouth! How dare you accuse me of such acts? . Edet The devil spawn has shown! Enough with this your Ananse. She's not real. Only Jesus is. . Ekanem TAHH!!! Close your blasphemous mouth priest!! Ananse has been the protector of this nation long before the white men brought their religion to us. . Akanimoh So Priest, any progress with the sacrifices that you've been making? . Ekanem I do and believe me, the worst is yet to come. Ananse has shown me that our nation will face more greater crisis but there is a salvation and it lies in the hands of unnatural union. Only through that, our nation will finally find peace. . Edet This is absurd. . Asibong You really expect us to believe this? . Ekanem I do not care what you believe but mark my words, my predictions should not be taken lightly. Also, that boy Joseph should be left alone, I have a feeling that he'll be the one to save us. . Akanimoh Enough talk priest! Go home and continue with your sacrifices. We will deal with this crisis in our own way. . Ekanem Suit yourselves but mark my words. This is just the beginning of our nightmare. (Leaves) . Edet It's sad watching people allowing themselves to be mislead by Satan. May God guide them to the right path. . Asibong So back to our discussion. Joseph is not a pirate but if you're still insisting on it Inspector, you'll have to find hard concrete proof.. Ambrose That I will. I wonder what that rascal is up to now. . Meanwhile somewhere in Calabar, Joseph's foster mom Nkese chats with her neighbors in her front porch discussing the death of a neighbor's daughter whose body had been torn in half. Despite the tragic death, nobody felt a thing for the deceased cause she was known to be a cold and a mean person. . Agatha This is what happens to those that think that their actions are not being watched by God. . Catherine Although, I feel sad for her parents. She has brought shame upon their family name. . Nkese It's unfortunate but there's nothing that can be done for her now. All she needs now is prayer. . Francine You can say that again. No man is going to marry her after she's done serving her time. No one would want a thief as a wife. . Nkese Stop saying that. It's not proper. That girl is a christian and nobody is an exception from temptation. All we can now is pray for our younger generation. . Catherine Nkese is right. I know this becomes a lesson to all youngsters. Our children are getting worst everyday. . Agatha Ah, speak for yourself. Mine are not that bad. Besides there's no such as a perfect child. . Francine Speaking of youngsters, how's Joseph? . Nkese Hmm, still the same. . Francine I wouldn't say the same. That boy of yours has grown into a fine male specimen. He's so handsome and strong. . Agatha There's no doubt but besides good looking, he's such a good help. Yesterday he cleared out my husband's garage all by himself. He lifted those heavy junks all by himself. . Catherine Such a wonderful young man. I wish my son could be like him. That's why I encourage their friendship. Young men of this era are so lazy. All they think about is women and quick ways to earn money. . Agatha Their minds are corrupted. May God save them from the devil's toys. . Francine So Nkese, Is your son seeing any young lady recently? . Nkese I'm not sure. Joseph doesn't talk much about his social life but I've seen him talking to Nene's daughter, Sofia . . Francine That girl! Heh heh (claps hands). I hope Joseph is not interested in her cause that girl is too vain and selfish. . Agatha Can you blame the girl? She's just a carbon copy of her mother! . Catherine Well, my Gina is certainly interested in Joseph. I bet they'll be a perfect match. . Francine (laughs) In your dreams. My Erica is a dedicated catholic and a good christian. Nobody deserves Joseph more than her. . Nkese Please ladies, enough. I understand what you're trying to do but that's not up to me, it's up to Joseph. After all, he's a man now. . Agatha By the way, where is he? . Nkese My sister I have no clue. He's always disappearing like a ghost. Joseph is a good boy but he has his issues. . Catherine Don't they all? I just hope he's not at the river side again. It's night. . Nkese My sister that's what I'm worried about. No matter how I scold that boy about going to the river, he never seems to listen. That's his only fault. I'd give anything to make him stop going there. . Francine If I may ask, what's he doing there? . Nkese I honestly don't know. He spends his time studying about aquatic legends and treasures of the sea. If you check his journals, you'd see the amazing drawings he had done about fishes . He even remembers all their names and their nature. His memory is extraordinary. . Agatha When did this obsession start? . Nkese Ever since he was little. . Francine Such a strange habit. Does he go to church? . Nkese He does. (sighs) I just hope he doesn't get a

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