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Sacred Affection

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1178    |    Released on: 24/01/2024

oorway of our bedroom, his arms folded across his chest as he observ

I replied casually, adjusting the gold heart pendant hanging from

and wrapping his arms around my waist. His firm gaze met mine through

the chipped paint on the dirty wall. Despite my attempt to

," he stated, his voice stern. His words disgusted me, and I pus

If he tries anything–

s response. He just rolled his eyes, and let the silence fill the air. I sighed, looking

t bothered, and walked away, lea

dy sat in a booth, with drinks in their hands. As soon as I got

will be on stage in a minute" Dylan informe

lders, dismissively, taking a swig from my glass that contained teq

rl, with a smug grin plastered on his face, as he sat behind the drum kit, shooting the girl a wink, while she

verything. What I was wearing, what my hair was like, what my expression probably was. I'm not sure why he had that

no use, my eyes always dragged themselves to meet the pale blue ones, that belonged to the drummer. It was

from the drum kit, flinging his drum sticks in the crowd, flashing

right beside Logan on one of the couches, who was making out w

reference and his girlfriend, Jake. Elizabeth had just finished working. Sloan and Dylan were chatting and laughing

while Logan’s hands were roaming up her back, knocking his

me, attempting to wipe the liquid off my stained cardigan wi

e from the waist to my face, "Did I knock into you?" Logan teased, stic

my eyes, continuing to try and

d, turning to face the gir

d, knitting my brows t

en his lips, while the girl pulled back a little to light it for him, he took a drag of the cigarette,


aughed, as he took the cigarette ou of his mouth, continuing to k

nd standing up to clean

ng?" Johnny asked, noticin

, which he returned with a real one, befor

igan off my shoulders, trying to scrub the alcohol off

" I mumbled u

ing me jumpout of my skin, as I flipped my head towards where he wa

is is the ladies room" I told hi

ery familiar" he smirked, taking the car

istaken for a woman?" I asked, t

the cardigan in my face, walking towards the door. "I'll s

e cardigan, placing it between my lips, covering the flame of the lighter that lit it, while blo

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