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The Path of Forbidden Love

Chapter 3 High School Reunion, Behind the Suppressed Love, Rina Takes a Chance

Word Count: 925    |    Released on: 25/01/2024

nfrontation. As the reunion event unfolded, Rina saw Romeo chatting with their friends in a corner of the

Rina chose to approach Romeo in a somewhat secluded place at the reu

ng voice) "Romeo, can

) "Of course, R

to say, but I think you deserve to know.

us) "What hap

rbidden relationship. I don't know if you already kn

on reflected in his eyes. Rina, who secretly loved Romeo since high school, now felt her he

ina, for telling me. I... I nee

t that should have been full of joy now became a turning point in the fo

The news of the forbidden love between Maya and Adrian seemed to tear apart the happiness and trust he ha

filled with love, was now occupied by an indescribable pain. Every beautiful memory seemed like sharp

been his lifelong companion, now became a source of pain. The resentment towards Adrian, his close friend

get but also to plan revenge as a form of healing from such profound wounds. Romeo's emotional state, once filled

lay a role that seemed to provide advice and support so that Romeo could overcome his

fficult for you. But remember, anger and revenge will o

feels so hard. They both were so clos

feelings, Romeo. But we need to take wi

e to Romeo. Rina realized that this moment could build emotional closeness with R

Rina. You always give good ad

steps to get closer to Romeo. The desire to win the broken heart of Romeo became a stronger driving

motive. In his heart filled with revenge and disappointment towards Maya, Romeo wanted to retalia

tions. They began to be seen together frequently, displaying affection as if it suggested a relationship

hat are you doing? I feel there's so

to forget and move on, Rina. Ther

anted Maya to feel the extent of desperation and jealousy that might arise when seeing h

s to worsen the situation. A love life that was once full of beauty now beca

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