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Chapter 5 005

Word Count: 1082    |    Released on: 01/02/2024

at was. I hope that you enjoyed it h

was better than I'd been l

ll. No point in it being painful when with a little

! Never have I felt such plea

rtainly my goal to m

d his limp prick, sticky w

more," he said, smiling. "You've worked him over very well so

uggled into the crook of his arms. "I can hardly wa

pulling the furs over them as t

sun made them rise, once with him teaching her to ride him like a horse, and the last time with him mounting her from behi

o give him pleasure in addition to her sex. He had fingered the tight entrance to her ass as his cock plundered her cunt from behind, making her squeal, but despite the alien feeling and oddness of it all, she'd come harder than she co

nt to put it there, but fascinating because of what his finger had done to her. The thought that she would then be surrendering all of h

he took a little of the dampness gathered there onto her middle finger and moved it to the puckered entrance of her ass. She pushed the finger a bit into the opening and tried to imagine her husbands hard prick slowly expanding the tight orifice instead of her wee fin

re?" she heard a deep male v

own her skirts and grabbed the bodice of her shift to

ing the view," said another voice, even gruffer than

oking, clothes were ragged and dirty, as were the hands and faces of the wearers. The first had dirty brown hair, was pudgy, but not too soft looking

d what do you w

ith a woman for awhile, and you look like you're a li

g her bodice together more tightly, "tis just I was think

sufficient fucking lass, but it's been a long time since I sank my cock into an

. Before she could rise to her feet again, a heavy body was on her, pinning her to the ground, knocking the wind from her. The heavy-set man approached he

d you're currently trespassing!" she screamed in fury, twisting and

se luscious globes, he reached behind him and grasped the bottom of her dress and started pulling it up her legs. "What care we whose land we

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