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Mr. Grey my billionaire

Chapter 4 4.

Word Count: 1291    |    Released on: 30/01/2024


ed my forehead, and said goodnight, then turned over and went to sleep. I was stunned, all I could think was "What do you mean good night? What the fuck was that? It's our honeymoon,

o talk to him and I kept my mouth shut, swallowing all my frustration, But he'd turn on the TV and we'd do nothing, I'd be afraid to try anything and force a situation, and at some point, I convinced myself

m was more discreet, Jennifer pulled me aside and asked if I'd had sex and if Stephan was good in bed, of course, I lied and when Jennifer said "We're lucky sis, our husbands are great, Enri

doing everything I could to get his attention, I'd walk around the house in my panties and bra and sometimes I'd even go naked

according to him, he knew how to cook better than me, which was a lie. He only cooked fitness food and from Monday to Friday we'd

go to the bathroom, then we'd both watch TV and as I woke up super

that by 9 pm you're already sleepy, and it's only now that I see that the son of a

g, he started traveling a lot with the excuse of getting to know the

hought the work was going to take 5 days, but in 4 days everything was sorted out and without warning, I returned the day before the trip, we were going to be married for a y

when I arrived I sneaked in to scare him as a joke, The house was brightly lit and without making a sound I went to look for him in the rooms, I looked all over the downstairs and didn't see him, so I went upstairs and went straight

ut my cell phone and recorded a video of them, I stayed there for 30 seconds filming that disgusting thing and when I couldn't stand being there an

all the care he took with my clothes, make-up, and shoes when we went to buy things, he always chose for me, no

r and 8 months relationship, I saw all the lies and until this moment I can't get my head around how he could be so petty. He certainly only married me because of his parents, his

or him all my life, while he maintained a sham marriage with

though I was dissatisfied I didn't say anything, even though I was dying to be eaten

ake me to a hotel, and after registering at the reception, I went up to the room, took off my clothes and got

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