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Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1520    |    Released on: 30/01/2024


ipping the edge of the door harder. "

nd making me forget about everything that wasn't working quite well in my life. Right now, he was focused on painting and every stroke of the brush he held against the canvas stilled the anxiety that pr

me a heiress overnight. And despite Amore's threat to make

vine intervention, Margo was no longer on her side and she even we

frightening. I'd been skeptical at first about the whole thing, but as the days rolle

my heart that going forward,

arely managing to hold back the scream that bubbled up my throat from the

. "I got you good this time" she laugh

paintings, that's why I'm watching him"

you know how many girls are dying to date, Miguel... And here

drop dramatically. "Fine! You are right Margo, but

s. I mean everyone knows you are a rich

go. I want him to love me for me and

never find out if things can work out between you two if you keep watching him like a creep from outside the door without saying anything" sh

t me or something.... also what can I do... there'

and I got an invite. You should come with me.

a disaster? I'd contemplated calling Mr. Oregon a bunch of times to report Amore's abuse, but thinking about how that would hurt

anymore but I am so sorry Eve. I hate what Mom's doing to you and I really want to stop her but I can't, so just bear

It's ok. I am do

ce to confess to the love of your life. You have to take this chance Eve or you're going to regret

. I'm going to get you the most perfect dress,

hest lessening bit by bit.

now" She smiled and squeezed my finger a bit. "Let's go t

nough to be your model"

ssion then, but you'll hav

ime we went, Margo had me pose for her while she took pictures. It was for her project and I felt honor

r how the party was going to turn out, and when I final

if I wanted to avoid making a

got tongue-tied right when

interrupted my thoughts


Miguel, you must really like him i

s and get back home... Mom won't be happy

ld her we were having a study session afte

ve been feeling sick lately, so how about

tarving anyway," she said and then posi

height and the river that flowed furiously

the edge?" I asked nervou

e you are sca

she just gave me an incre

edge anyway. This time I want you to look sad for me like yo

ng extremely happy, so I guess she was

nyway but once I turned eighteen, it would be all over. I'll move out an

tural, Eve... These are

and she frowned, her brows wrinkling as s

t jumping off the cliff" she said, her gaze clashing with mine. "Don't jum

won't" I grinned then po

o. I had a love to confess, I had a company

would be too devastating, but even if he did, I'd continue. Mar

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