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Mated To A Ghost

Chapter 5 Reign Of Shadows

Word Count: 2741    |    Released on: 11/02/2024

spective rooms, await the dawn of a significant day. It's 1 AM, the world outside wrapped in an eerie calm."Would you mind checking up on the wol

explicable demise, leaving the realm of the living. The remaining two, Bernard and Matt, clutch their heads in distress, vowing to reveal the truth to the Alpha, irrespective of the consequences.Meanwhile, a distinctive knock echoes on the Alpha's door. Sensing an unusual urgency, the Alpha's Beta promptly opens the door."Alpha! The pack is on fire!" Matt gasps, struggling to catch his breath."What?!" The room plunges into chaos as everyone absorbs the shocking revelation, snapping into immediate action and grappling with the sudden reality unfolding before them."Demons have gotten in, and-and…" Matt begins to complain, but his words are abruptly cut off as a sword mercilessly slaughters his throat, leaving his lifeless body to fall to the ground with a loud thud.The Alpha, Jasper, approaches with a blood-stained sword in his hand. "Do you have any excuse to give as well? They broke in - could that happen if you didn't cooperate with them?""Alpha, I can't cooperate with any other being to intrude into this pack." Bernard declares, bowing in deference."What's the first rule of being a security wolf?" Jasper interrogates."Never defend yourself." Bernard shakily breathes, offering his response just as the sword swishes, slashing him into pieces."Unmerciful Alpha to the bone." A random wolf comments, while the Alpha's Beta steps in to prevent the Alpha from inflicting further harm."We should be less bothered about this. Let's chase the demons out of this vicinity." A female wolf announces."You remind me of someone." The Alpha responds with a smirk. "My Luna. How she disrespected me." Approaching the female wolf, he smiles at the blood on his sword, "...and I ended her." Swiftly, he cleaves her, furiously sighing afterward.| MEETING OF THE INTRUDERS |"Mane?" Shadows asks to confirm. A deep sigh of relief escapes him as Mane crawls back into their hiding place. "I'm glad you're here.""I am Alpha Shadows Grave, and we've come here to take what belongs to us. The position of an Alpha should have been given to my father, but it was given to Jasper. Now that he's about to quit, I'm the next in line.""Hail the Alpha!!!" They all bow in reverence."I have successfully created my army, which speaks to my efficiency as an Alpha. I have a small pack comprising vampires, wolves, and demons. I've been able to monitor all of you, knowing I'd need you someday." Alpha Shadow Graves explains."Valentina, Bloodworth, Seraphina!" The Alpha calls as they rise to their feet. "You're our vampires. You're responsible for sucking wolves' blood so their numbers will reduce.""Wildheart, Greyson, Starkfang!" Alpha Shadows Grave calls, and they rise to their feet. "You're our werewolves. You're responsible for shifting and fighting with any wolf that comes your way. I'll empower you."He then points to the last category of beings, and they rise with low grunts."Demons - Infernus, Lilith, and Darkbane.""Now that we have identified ourselves, Mane, you'll be with me. These ones will fight for our right, and when they are no longer on the winning side, we'll join them.""Why should they not be on the winning side?" Mane is confused. "We have a very strong team. Half of us can destroy a gargantuan pack."Alpha Shadows chuckles, "You're right, but they can be. They're aware already. They know what affects us.""Let… Us… Move!" The Alpha commands.| ALPHA JASPER'S ACTIONS |"Command the warriors on the left to shut all doors. Lock all rooms and dispose of the keys. If anyone's in there, forget about them." Jasper instructs at the forefront of his pack of wolves."It has come to my notice that we're under attack. Different kinds of beings are against us. They're almost in here. Let there be two hundred wolves guarding the gate. No one must go out nor come in." He declares, and an air of fear starts to permeate among the assembled wolves."Alpha, where's Mane?" Cameron suddenly demands. Jasper, caught off guard, quickly composes himself."He must be somewhere safe." Jasper retorts, attempting to maintain an air of authority and avoid embarrassment in front of his subjects."Defending someone against us?" Cameron challenges."Command your warriors to look for him." Jasper whispers to Cameron, acknowledging the urgency."I know where he is." Cameron retorts, seeing the realization dawning in Jasper's eyes, almost sunken with concern."Take me there." Jasper requests, his tone revealing a hint of desperation.Cameron sniffs, "No! I'll take the warriors there. Our enemy is right in our pack, not outside. They're inside!""How true is that?" Sera interjects, walking confidently to the podium, questioning her new mate."Guards, take Cameron and Sera to a safe place. Let me lead the battle, while fifty other warriors stay behind me to bring others closer!" Jasper declares, taking charge and making a strategic decision to safeguard his pack.Three fiery soldiers grab Cameron and Sera, leading them to inner rooms fortified with technological intelligence that would deter any unwelcome intrusion.Jasper positions himself in front of the room where Alpha Shadows and his squad hide, staying behind with Mane as the other warriors break out, their growls echoing through the tension-filled air."Everyone, shift!" Jasper orders as the entire pack house erupts into chaos, transforming into a frenzied battleground. The sounds of shifting and growls create a cacophony, setting the stage for an intense and chaotic confrontation.As tension thickens in the Midnight Echo Pack, a foreboding sense of danger hangs in

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