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1 Chapter 1 The Breaking Point2 Chapter 2 Blood Ties Unveiled3 Chapter 3 Unveiling Deceit: Blood Ties Exposed4 Chapter 4 Unveiled Destinies: Tears in Opulence5 Chapter 5 Frayed Elegance: Unveiling the True Colors6 Chapter 6 Fading Shadows: A Divorce Unveils Hidden Truths7 Chapter 7 Shattered Illusions: A Divorce Unveils Online Vendettas8 Chapter 8 Bitter Divorce: Unraveling Family Ties in a Viral Scandal9 Chapter 9 A Shattered Vow: Unveiling the Unexpected Reunion at the Grand Banquet10 Chapter 10 The Phoenix's Ascension: A Night of Unveiling at the Elite Banquet11 Chapter 11 Savage Charade: Unveiling Deceit in the Moonlit Banquet12 Chapter 12 Cash Cascade: Nicole's Grand Finale at the Lavish Banquet13 Chapter 13 Revelations on the Big Screen: Eric's Shocking Discovery about Nicole14 Chapter 14 Dinner Clash: Nicole Faces Off Against the Fergusons15 Chapter 15 Revenge Served Cold: Nicole Confronts the Fergusons16 Chapter 16 Unveiling the New Nicole: A Cold Confrontation with the Fergusons17 Chapter 17 Unraveling Ties: The Ferguson Siblings' Clash Over Nicole's Defense18 Chapter 18 Entangled Affairs: Nightlife Intrigues and Unwelcome Advances19 Chapter 19 Unraveled Night: Nicole's Swift Justice20 Chapter 20 Director's Dilemma: Nicole Stanton Faces Workplace Challenges21 Chapter 21 Revenge Unveiled: Nicole Stanton Takes a Stand22 Chapter 22 The Unraveling: Keith Ludwig's Apology and Nicole's Triumph23 Chapter 23 Corporate Chess and Social Cheers24 Chapter 24 Encounters and Revelations25 Chapter 25 Harmonies of Fate: Nicole's Symphony of Surprises26 Chapter 26 Dice of Destiny: Nicole's Bold Wager27 Chapter 27 Dice Deception: Nicole's Wager Unveiled28 Chapter 28 Exposed Games: Keith's Humiliation29 Chapter 29 Games Unveiled: Nicole's Underworld Past30 Chapter 30 Bouquets and Business: A Floral Pursuit31 Chapter 31 The Negotiation Game: Vice President Nicole's Strategic Moves32 Chapter 32 Corporate Chess: Nicole's Strategic Unraveling33 Chapter 33 Unveiling Echoes Of The Past34 Chapter 34 Unveiled Agendas35 Chapter 35 A Symphony of Choices36 Chapter 36 Dancing Shadows of Past Alliances37 Chapter 37 Revelations at the Banquet: Nicole's Ascension38 Chapter 38 The Business Banquet Encounter39 Chapter 39 Cooperation and Complications: A Business Banquet Saga40 Chapter 40 Unexpected Dance41 Chapter 41 Unwanted Attention42 Chapter 42 Unveiling Truths and Confrontations43 Chapter 43 Unveiling the Facade: A Family's Secret Exposed44 Chapter 44 Haunted by the Past: A Confrontation at the Banquet45 Chapter 45 The Encounter: A Tale of Rivalry and Redemption46 Chapter 46 Revenge Served Cold: Nicole's Triumph Over Ingrid47 Chapter 47 A Night of Revelations: Nicole's Departure and Ian's Gesture48 Chapter 48 Eric's Drunken Dilemma: Memories of Nicole Amidst the Revelry49 Chapter 49 Unveiling Ambitions: Nicole's Morning Triumph50 Chapter 50 The Vice President's Gambit51 Chapter 51 The Unexpected Encounter at J&L Corporation52 Chapter 52 The Unforeseen Encounter and Social Media Drama53 Chapter 53 The Price of Arrogance54 Chapter 54 A Bid for Justice55 Chapter 55 The Charity Auction Showdown56 Chapter 56 The Price of Pride: A Charity Auction Showdown57 Chapter 57 Auctioned Ambitions: The Battle for the Emerald Pipe58 Chapter 58 The Price of Ambition: Unraveling the Ferguson Legacy