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The Forbidden Luna

Chapter 6 The Trouble Maker

Word Count: 1100    |    Released on: 05/02/2024

ood werewolf. She could also multi-task which made things easier for her boss and also made her rec

colleague, Deligh

She asked Sassy one day,

?" Sassy asked an

t wait to finally me

y bl

uld understand how I feel. I just want to experience the feeli

ht no

do too. I'm twenty and I still haven't found my


ve to wait that long to

birthday and some don't. Some find them two weeks later, some find them months later, and some find t


she had

r a small smile


e for Sassy. He felt his childhood mischievous character com

r parked outside. She had never seen a more

the car for some time, but she wasn't

r for some time, deliberately t

nted, so no one cou

pack at such a local coffee shop

doorway, she wanted to we

lue suit and he left the first few buttons of his jacket open, to ex

's jaw

t not t

god and she almos

or until Alpha Murphy was right in front of h

urphy walk in. She didn't recognize him at first, and she walk

Sassy was close to him, be

sir, can I get your order?" She aske

say a word, and he

es widened. She immediately looked away and tur

a Murphy said grinning an

re you here

rying to get coffee. Are you chasin

e came alone. It looked like he ha

e trouble?" She asked him, she didn't want to fix

to think we're having a sweet conversation. And make sure you serve i

he coffee, she felt he

not get angry." She said and s

lt his wolf get

had. He laughed on remembering how he had almost died in her hands while th

ale instincts, he was

n no hurry, she wanted him to run out of patience. So,

e knew the game she was play

for twenty minutes, Sassy

even look up at her,

rder. Get me a glass of hot coff

is time, she brought his order on time, she arr

te? This isn't how you s

Sassy asked with her

Go down on your knees and serve

the issue, so she picked up t

o of it and the glass fell to the floor, the contents spilled all over the floor and

and glared at

lt an electric feeling

t the coffee shop, while Sassy just held her chest wondering

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