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Unpredictable Betrayal : A Sweet of Revenge

Chapter 2 UB 2

Word Count: 2046    |    Released on: 05/02/2024

e you? Can we do a vid

e office, darling. I'll call and

short message she intentionally sent t

seen him clearly walking intimately hand in hand with A

or a meeting; instead, he was enjoying

, now he has a new partner to have lunch with. Or maybe... a partner

was back at the hospital, Vel

the brown-eyed man. Especially when in a relationship with Aurora, Veli

Was she too infatuated? Was she fooled by sweet words or perhaps affected by the typical cha

mily. The position as the head of a retail company, which he cu

lly worthless. Alex couldn't even provide Aurora with offspring, as he was diagnosed with infertility. Despite th

ht then and there," Velia said again. Her tone c

elia. I don't want to c

d follow Velia's suggestion to confront them. However, Aurora didn't want to act recklessly. She

eating. Moreover, he was caught several times going out together, and you don't even know what they're doing. Are y

investigate and gather evidence fi

s mind. Despite seeing firsthand what her husband was doing, Aurora coul

vidence, you can still stand strong. If you need help

ora's room was knocked, followed by the e

ooking for you. He said there's

b. After the nurse left, she i

her what has happened

t too recklessly. Regardless, Aurora knew exactly Asher's temperament.

of person Asher is. I'm afraid Alex wo

So that Alex learns his lesso

r if you go quickly to meet Asher. And be car

.m., the Arab-blooded man returned from work and went straight to the bedroom. Before deciding to

ening, d

hing almost every night? Previously, Aurora felt flattered every time Alex expressed his longing or affection for her. But after today's incident,

sincerity into her words. "What did you do today?" she asked, curious if h

e until evening. Met some clients. Once eve

? How about lunch? Did you have time for that?" Aurora asked intentio

red to answer. He casually r

I still had ti

you eat? Wi

dded re

clients at a restaurant. Don't worry, you don't need t

she felt sorry because her husband had clearly provided fa

ithout any burden, he continu

But, it's better to be tired f

clothes that her husband had successfully unbut

er, before bedtime, I'll give you a m

'm really lucky to have a caring

ied with a smile. "Hurry up and

en straightened Alex's dirty clothes, placing them in the laundry basket. Not forge

omething bulged faintly from inside the bag. Throughout her married life with Alex, Au

ng that Alex would still take a while in the bathroom, sh

it slowly, Aurora was amazed. Inside the box, there was a necklace and a diamond bracelet,

or what?" Aurora mumbled to herself. "But if it's for

y back to its original place. Instead of asking directly whose jewelry it was, Aurora chose to pretend not


y because I have a morning meet

ead before leaving for work. Judging by

e past few days, Alex had always let Aurora go to work alone at every shift. Ye

oday, I really need

ld only sigh deeply and then nod. It was pointless to pro

go by myself. Just be ca

of heading to the hospital, she went to follow Alex to his office. For some reason, this morning A

ed herself to accept any possibilities and realities she might discover later. Onc

ted her politely and respectfully.

ike he's in an important meeting with Nicole. Earlier, Mr. Alex instructed that if there's any guest or anyone who wants to meet him, they sh

is in the room wi


, ma

ne. I'll go st

d to stop her, it seemed too daring considering Aurora was t

's office was located, she found the secretary's desk right in front of

r was not completely closed, she chose to remain silent and peek. From behind

racelet?" exclaimed the woman, who was none

especially for your birthday. Happy birthday. I hope all your d

Alex, and without hesitation pl

e to love and cherish you. As a celebration, how about we stay in a hotel this

approving Aisha's request

which hotel you want to stay in, and I'll m

eetheart. I really rea

his cousin, could only restrain herself while tightly closing her mouth. Choosing

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