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Hidden Ties

Chapter 24 24. Mistrust

Word Count: 1016    |    Released on: 14/03/2024


s a good reason for not replying. I'm already dressed to head to the office, tossing some bills on the bed and dis

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1 Chapter 1 01.Prologue: Memories2 Chapter 2 02. New Shareholder3 Chapter 3 03. Meeting4 Chapter 4 04. Revelations5 Chapter 5 05. Competent trainee6 Chapter 6 06.The weight of inheritance7 Chapter 7 07.Breakfast8 Chapter 8 08. Sparks9 Chapter 9 09.Ex-girlfriend10 Chapter 10 10. Fun11 Chapter 11 11. Farm12 Chapter 12 12. Unexpected connection13 Chapter 13 13. Along the way14 Chapter 14 14. Provocation15 Chapter 15 15. Distractions16 Chapter 16 16. Unknown to the Ballad17 Chapter 17 17. Surprised18 Chapter 18 18. Thanks for the Pleasure19 Chapter 19 19. Inconvenient20 Chapter 20 20. She's my wife21 Chapter 21 21. Business Dinner22 Chapter 22 22. Hard to resist 23 Chapter 23 Dreaming of Him 24 Chapter 24 24. Mistrust 25 Chapter 25 25. Uncomfortable26 Chapter 26 26. You're mine. 27 Chapter 27 27. Fear of the Unknown28 Chapter 28 28. Saving her29 Chapter 29 29. Brands30 Chapter 30 30. Case revealed31 Chapter 31 31.Feeling32 Chapter 32 32. Straight Talk33 Chapter 33 33. I'm in love with you. 34 Chapter 34 34. Crazy Passion 35 Chapter 35 35.Decision36 Chapter 36 36. Confronting37 Chapter 37 37. At last it's over38 Chapter 38 38. Unusual location39 Chapter 39 39. Nightmare40 Chapter 40 40. Andrew Bonus - I41 Chapter 41 41. Always More42 Chapter 42 42. Bonus Andrew II43 Chapter 43 43.Research44 Chapter 44 44.Travel45 Chapter 45 45. Alliance and Discovery46 Chapter 46 46. Plans47 Chapter 47 47. Bonus Andrew III48 Chapter 48 48. Warning49 Chapter 49 49. Traces50 Chapter 50 50. Bonus Andrew IV51 Chapter 51 51.INTERESTS52 Chapter 52 52.Lies53 Chapter 53 53.DANGER54 Chapter 54 54. Good news55 Chapter 55 55. AWAKENING56 Chapter 56 56. WHAT HAVE I DONE 57 Chapter 57 57. Suggestions58 Chapter 58 58. Bonus Andrew V59 Chapter 59 59. Care60 Chapter 60 60. Revealing Interests61 Chapter 61 61. Returning home62 Chapter 62 62. Scars63 Chapter 63 63.Listen64 Chapter 64 64. Images65 Chapter 65 65. Fury66 Chapter 66 66. I'm by your side67 Chapter 67 67. The Real Enemy68 Chapter 68 68. I want more69 Chapter 69 69. Miss you70 Chapter 70 70. Anonymous Message71 Chapter 71 71. Impact of Truth72 Chapter 72 72. Yes, I accept!73 Chapter 73 73. We're a family now 74 Chapter 74 74.Concerns 75 Chapter 75 75. She can't be pregnant!76 Chapter 76 76. What will he do to me 77 Chapter 77 77. Locating Kate78 Chapter 78 78. The real culprit79 Chapter 79 79. Finally Saved80 Chapter 80 80. The greatest gift