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Empty Promise

Chapter 5 Empty Promise Chapter 14 to 16

Word Count: 4334    |    Released on: 11/02/2024



srael did not reply. After th

lo I

how ar

know if you received them you would have replied me. Israel, I miss you and I'm serious. I

times as I waited for

useboy that does your laundry, cooking and run errands for you. I'm only allowed to touch you at your request, I dare not get you angry or talk more than I'm allowed to. I heard you over the phone talking to your husband about me...have you forgotten so soon? You told him that I was a pest, a guy with no name. Even after hear

I'm only doing so now because of Tony, who was annoying me and getting on my

er except his HND but Tony has PHD, Tony schooled at Harvard busin

deeply, maybe that is the reward o

and spite back at Ton

bout everything. Is

tting married in few weeks from now....so I'm channeling all my energy in planning my wedding and living with the woman who accepted the little I can offer and never failed to love and support me. I'm working hard to give her everything that she

praise his supposed wife to be. I wish I'm t

tting married so fast. He was moving on with life. I thought he will hang

years? Maybe he is just pulling my legs. He can't be ser

rt thinking of marriage? I have only be gone for three years and som

inside for an

came like a

nship with a mediocre. Somebody with your kind of negative mind set. Diane is the woman for me and I love her with my life. I can boldly say she loves m


dumb founded and qu

me. Diane cannot have my man. Israel was supposed to be my ma

to marry Israel, they ar

e back then which Tony cannot even compete with but I end up ge

and Diane an

ncluded and

e was ringing again a

ages and call. But after Israel disappointed me or

oing to make i

y are you disturbing my phone w

. I don't know what came over me that made me to act the way I did. I promise it won't happen again. I have turn a new leaf and will be the man you have always wanted. I'm dying here...please come back...please baby. Come home so that we can talk about it. My world is empty without you in it.

to come home. I was already planning

I'm left with no choice than to go ho

n I'm not on a casual leave can attract p

ngs that evening and c

he house and make

may not be fulfilled but I hope

for smashing his

ar key and resumed wo

asked me about it but I told him it was not important anymore and

his promises this time because after thr

r moved. I became pregnant

should give him time. He was gathering

t the loan but I assured them that my husband w

g to be a mother in 8 months time.

ve again and this time around, I will protect this one with e

el and Diane and fo

ngs remain



on my neck concerning the loan but anytime I raise the topic with Tony he wil

I took the

ed to start paying up. You sold my car because you wanted to support your business and pay up the loan but here you are giving me excuses e

ting fed up with the so called busi

I know you believed so much in me and had shown a great support to me and my business, I wanted to have only good news for you baby. It was after selling your car I try to start all over again. I bore the lost and pain alone and it was that

ut and nod

ted getting several d

heck for my bank ATM

ows then another a

ry to call my account o

passes I was get

d in withdrawing all my

reaching my a

d that someone stole it and

cer will be done with blocking the card the thief ha

was panicking as I pac

before, how did the thief had acce

ount which had enough money and that was t

hand bag who coul

questions cr

Tony and told him

e card probably fell off from you without you knowing. I was at work when you called but I'm driving home right away. Sorry darling... don't be sad over that

lpful and made m

in my purse which was in my hand bag. How did it disappear int

one and can't be retrieved. He asked me to focus on

puzzle. Only Tony had access to my hand bag and bank

requested for another

lled me. He was not sounding happy w

time to start paying has g

ask them to freeze my two accounts and so many other things will

nd a way to pay the loan

he was determi

od on the table wa

osed to do? I c

enough and can only give a grace of another month but aft

ay if I tell him. It will be an

y card and made a huge withdrawer I don't have

was almost another month a

buy expensive things fo

was spending unnecessarily and start the l

enough money to buy things for the house and also medicine for my c

n when Tony came in with another design

o tired

important than the de

me and him will ha

nt to lose my job but I don't even have enough money and if my car was available I coul

where to get mon

d panicking Tony did not sh

of the money but he got angry with me for throw

ll the time in the house and yet I'm

to have my child in poverty which is wha

bt and worries ye

ng room one Saturday watching TV whe

o see who barged into the h

rmer maid. She was obviou

blue Jean trouser which ha

shoe and carrying a very e

ere a hundred thousand naira and her top and wris

attire and wondering we

rstand clearly but Halima has a business for the day

I try to maintai

it for whatever drama sh

doing in our house after the last war she caused tha

but here she was catwalking as if she was th

calm but I'm really

nd push her out, he was speechles


onfused I was, all I di

e dram

a was up to and why Tony



e as Halima walked

u what I'm capable off and you took it like a pinch

outside and

ing few steps

se you don't want your so called wife

g to sit and p


nsense. Tony what is she doing


o calm down but I was curious to know what is r

closer to

r supposed husband who is my fiance, partner in crime and lover even before he met you....yes, I am also pregnant for him. Tony belongs to me and not you

heard. It was impossible and I know Halim

Tony but he remain stan

n with her legs crossed. She turne

reak loose. You thought is a joke. I needed your presence, your care especially now that I'm carrying your child but you will rather be with your foolish wife. Well, no more

se. He walks up a

ly turned

even more than you asked. I don't expect all this betrayal fr

hands and exc

for real? Hope I'm

even acted as

e to be careful bec

but deep down the hot spir

and all you want me to do is to wait like a cat. No I'm done waiting. I requested for a certain amount recently and you did nothing about it. You took

ng her with confu

rned to m

in peace. Tony was only a common driver when you met him. The house he once took you to back then was his boss house who traveled to London with his family. Your Tony resigned from his driver job after meeting you and decided to marry you for your money. There was never any robbery attack or accident of any sort it was all part of the game. Your Tony is a hustling man who has not even cross the border before. No PhD, never a graduate of Havard or has anything to his name. Your Tony is smart in his tricks. The registrar he used for your wedding is

Halima's accusations but he stood, relaxing

the whole house bega

a breeze and landed he

ted and sla

out and I foug

egnant and started fig

not sep

and Halima fight. Tony was busy p

, pounced on her and start pu

ree but I sat on her, b

erious bite and

and the house was turned upside down s

ith whatever

rd with a bottle

get back at her but Tony suddenl

nd later passed

ity for Ava

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