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Regretful CEO - My ex-husband wants me back!

Chapter 6 Tired

Word Count: 1332    |    Released on: 19/02/2024


r any longer. She couldn't stop mention

ced her hands on my arm, pouting. “I'm only saying it for your own goo

e! No, she didn't abandon me, she was forced to go. My grandfather denied everything,

believe in. My grandfather never

k as calmly as I could. I didn't want to dump my stress and irritation on her

sullenly, with her arm

t was three years away from each other and... And

, and I saw her shoulders sha

rs. The memory of Victória, crying,

Victória was the perfect wife and she never, ever pressured me into anything. Never. I couldn’t

married. No… I'm married.

g at me, her eyes red, her bag in her hand, her l

e the way she was behaving, like a spoiled chil

ked in the voice of someone who was hur

ady talked

can't be your fiancée. I can't be anything to you other than…” she looked down and I s

her int

e investors are very traditional and I would lose a lot, a lot of money if I got divorced,” I lifted her

have to go. I have to go talk to

as she left, I felt like a weigh

r. The divorce papers, duly signed by Victoria, star

dn't even know why it was so strange to sign that paper. It was what I wanted most in life: to be free from a damn marriage that I never wanted from

papers and put them

ooked at the ID and her

rd a breathing on the other

would like to know if the divo

e, at least. I missed how she used to speak so sweetly to me,

y, since she wanted formality. “But there is a condi

at woul


Apologize for what?”

me we saw each other, you treated Alice very badly, even

done when talking to me. But what the hell was

our reasons for delaying things, because if I remember, you were in a big hurry to get rid of me!” I could see the bit

hone. She hung up the

my secretary called right at that moment, reminding me of th

I had to calm down. But as soon as this meeting was

oon as it was over, Alice called

,” yes, I was tired. Mainly of liste

or so long! We can just st

t about staying in bed, I only remembered Vi

e some work things to dea

dn't want to. Even though Victoria and I didn't have an ideal marriage, she was the one who lived with m

hat it would be like to meet Alice again... But none of those ass

e there, I took a shower and went to bed

lled, nor the second one. The third t


ht it might be important.” A male voice answered Victória's phone a

you? Why do you ha

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