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The Three Brides

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 4390    |    Released on: 30/11/2017


ur pleasure

o back for

id Raymond, entering his wife's apartment with

r piano, to smile and say,

Charnock home this winter. I am afraid you are a good dea

do not like them to leave home when we

osal were a very pleasing one. "Have

nt to have intimacies in the

e Jenny Bowater her

e was your mo

s quite young eno

nything remarka

not; but she is a very s

that commonp

emoves her from the commonplace. Did

-for-nothing relat

or everybody's estates hereabouts. Well, there arose an attachment between him and Jenny; the Bowaters did not much like it, of course; but they are kind-hearted and good-natured, and gave consent, provided Archie got on in his profession. It was just at the time when poor Tom Vivian was exercising a great deal more influence than was good among the young

his si

nable doubt that he did but bear the blame of some one else's guilt, most likely that of George Proudfoot; but he died a year or two back without a word, and no proof has ever been found; and alas! the week after Archie sailed, we saw his name in the list of sufferers in a vessel tha

n go about as usual, or ever g

"But I'm afraid I can't make those visits with you to-day. I am wanted to s

iting, so I will luncheon at Sirenwood instea

k you had bett


a regular invit

ean to make a

o not wish for an intimacy there

n excellent ma

of unsettling him. His tutor tells me that as it is he is very uneasy about his examination-his mind is evidently preoccupied. No, no, Cecil, don't make the intercourse unnecessarily close. The Vivians have

ome rancorous old prejudice of Mrs. Poynsett's. It is very hard. There's no one in the house to make a friend of-Rosamond, a mere garrison b

er door re-opened, and Raymond again appeared. "I am looking for two book

"Lanfrey's Vie de Napoleon; b

as nothing to read, and has been waiting all this t

was no hurry,"

nsideration. Reading is her one great resource, and we must

some other way. I must take the box to the station in the dog-cart." He went without a word from her. It was an entirely new light to her that her self-improvement could possibly be otherwise than the first object w

iss Vivian had spoken of reading the book, and this decided her. "I'll go to Sirenwood, look at it, and order it. No one can expect me to submit to have no friends abroad nor books at home. Besides, it

she had reason to believe the dog-cart on the way down the avenue. As s

l! I thought we were to go o

nsborough, and I am going to lunch at

u don't mind. Sir Harry asked me

to the rendezvous in the afternoon-for Charlie had been at Sandhurst for the last week-running in firs

o to Sirenwood first to get a book, so Lee wil

ncheon at Sirenwood?

o go," said the dut

nd at finding me reading Madame de Sévigné, that I am afraid he carried off her boo

e out, and they cantered away together, reaching

ide hearth. One, a handsome benignant-looking old man, with a ruddy face and abundant white whiskers, came forward with a hearty greeting. "Ah! young Mrs. Poynsett! Delighted to see you!-Frank Charnock, you're come in good time

airs, "you haven't it at all right; Mrs. C

Cecil. "Charnock alway

Poynsett had to keep hers," said Lady Tyrrell, as

nk you; always

ng everythi

, y

et of devoted sons, model

ith her sources of vexation, but she only an

ing Lenore for coming in dishevelled, and you look so fresh and compact! Here is my sanctum. You'll find Mrs. Duncombe there.

Duncombe; "but I am afraid your senator will not

said Cecil; "he is gone to Willa

trust the opportunity will not be wasted,

e a voice there," said

ground there, and he is the most intelligent of the tradesmen. I gave him one of those excellent little hand-bills, put forth by the Social Science Co

s the use of preaching to the poor creatures to live in good houses,

id Mrs. Duncombe; "that's the only w

n earthquake,

are sometim

reeable that we had not rathe

el cottages," said Cecil; "it

lady gave her sow," said Mrs. Duncombe; "they come before

id Lady Tyrrell. "You illogical woman! The poor are to de

elf-respect," returned Mrs. Duncombe; "not a few favourites, who will endure dictatio

y Tyrrell. "I am sure there is nothing I wish more than that we had any po

it will never do to preach to the women at the working-room? I don't mean holding forth," she added, see

e sanitary tracts!

quite d

uld see the distinction. A li

eputation for indoctrinating sectarianism. It would be

he women dislike

low with our benefits; but for that very reason it injures the whole tone, a

ld understand," said Ce

ee women in the neighbourhood

poor," said Mrs. Duncombe. "And certainly this neighbourhood is as narrow as any I ever saw. Nobody but you an

rrell. "Most delightful people, whom Mrs. Duncomb

id Cecil, "and we know a great many Cambri

"He is a quiet, inoffensive man, great on political economy; but his wife

ld startle the native

e; "but when the Tallboys come we might arrange a succ

fun, and you might reckon on me; but where else? Mr

l matters of society to me," said Ceci

aters, of course,"

ing to stay with us,

ky Life Guardsman manq

d," said the other lady. "He is the only

it. Is his sister coming to help

is her amateur companion. Indeed, I believe it was no slight disappointment

thought there had been a foolish

By the bye, have yo

it. It is quite as goody as

full sympathy of both ladies, who invited her in self-defence to join in their subscription to Rolandi, to which sh

pment; and she was less universally admired than was her sister. Her dress was a dark maroon merino, hanging in simple, long, straight folds, and there was as little distortion in her coiffure as the most moderate compliance with fashion permitted; and this, with a high-bred, distinguished deportment, gave a

he evidently viewed her as the darling and treasure of his life. His first question, after

ng her clear, sweet voice to

-The child is competing wi

e society that was set on foot at Rock

ubject this mon

ckberries," she

ous festoon-all black and red fruit and crimson and purple leav

glad of an excuse to turn towards Eleon

not? But it was the only way to save it. Lenore is teaching him; and if his talent prove worth it we m

"you spoil him with them; but that you'll do

ll, glancing at her sister, who flush

t to please you that Camilla made me tak

ra, calling up a smile that satisfied the

iniscence of Dunstone-for indeed nothing could be more unlike the tone that prevailed there: but because it was

d send the carriage for Cecil; but the Duncombes proposed to take her and drop her at home; and to thi

a fresh access of intimacy, she begged to be called Cecil-a privilege of which she had been chary even in her maiden

ouching. "I used to be Camilla to all the neighbourhood, and here

and unkind!"

s of prejudice. It is the prevailing notion that my marrie

be's voice at the door, in all its de

"Ah! she is startling, but she is genuine! And one must ta

Frank and Captain Duncombe were discussing the merits of the four horses, the Compton carriage appeared in the approach, and Raymond's head withi

or improving the drainage; to which Raymond replied, "No, that was n

above, and fever festering

not unhealthy,

ghed ir

n the expedience of such measures. If Whitlock could be elected mayor there would be some chance, but I am afraid they are sure to take

our seat!" said the

e photographs, growing stiffer and graver each moment, while his wife waxed more wrathful at the treatment which she knew was wounding her friend, and began almost to glory in having incurred his displea

d quietly, "I did not mean to deprive you, Cec

answer, "Thank you. I am going to join Lady Tyrrel

ly, "Are you sure that Mr. and Mrs. Charnock would like

"If it is an object to exchange books at home faster than I

lone," he replied, still wi

ld be unc

that upo

all he had ever heard about creatures he knew so little as women, to enable him to guess how to deal with this one. How rep

chitect whom he had recommended, in the hope that he would insist on ground-work which might bring on the improvement, had been rejected in favour of a kinsman of Mr. Briggs, the out-goi

ivated gentleman, except the timid Vicar, his reasonings were all in vain. The plan was accepted for the town-hall, and the specifications were ordered to be made out for competition, and a rate

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