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Fight For The Truth

Chapter 4 I want to protect her

Word Count: 1184    |    Released on: 16/02/2024

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mn it... Elliot, I will never accomp

ator, and get a glass. When I am pouring myself a glass of wa

about the

" I'm not in the mood to

doing, after the party last nig

ache. I won't accompany you to your stupid parties ag

y deflowered yourself and were able to wet

p, you

e to be suc

ou think of Ailen's frie

s, her shy moans, her delicate and immaculate skin. As she screamed an

?" Elliot and his stupidity in

er, and it was the be

with me?" I scolded h

ther; I just want to know." He f

o in bed with your weekly conquests, so you do the same for

t you're not interested in w


e business with your fath

r the flat-screen TV and sits


ed Ailen Ganash and you did it with her friend. Everything went perfectly!

, that beauty said

iful name for a

scold him when I see that he d

hat a h

l where the news is being

't like watching television.

use?" Elliot murmurs,

me aspirin and returned to the livin

ouse. Police enter and leave, and four guys leave with a

accidental dea

pool of his parents' mansion in Puget. The events occurred during a party that he, now deceas

e looking for all those attending the party to

ther! What

ot, but we should g

what are w

that we were at the party,

to that house? Now, I will be involved i

ro!" Elliot

to the police building ta


ked me at the party. She is coming out of the building accompanied by a guy who I assume

nk, I remembered her beau

d?" Qu


s away from her

ur hands touch, I feel a strange sensation, and I loosen my grip...

they taking you?" I don't

I didn't do it." She is shaking, her eyes re

ng care of her a

mistake, I have always known how to choose, and now I ca

and tightly

ter you in the car a

aches Abby an

nge attitude. Now I couldn't explain it because I don't even understand myself.

tell me everythi


That idiot is getting too clos

the police van, out of the corner of my eye, I see Alexa's car. Is she here? Maybe they are

nto traffic,

good morning"

I need you to investigate everything related to the de

obey and don't ask stupid


hout waiting

pened after I fucked Abby, but I only have fractions in my he

e!!! And I don

nash recognize? C

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1 Chapter 1 Party2 Chapter 2 You must come with us3 Chapter 3 Don't kill anyone!4 Chapter 4 I want to protect her5 Chapter 5 What's happening 6 Chapter 6 Hidden truths7 Chapter 7 Evidence8 Chapter 8 This is not happening9 Chapter 9 She is innocent10 Chapter 10 What the hell 11 Chapter 11 I'm guilty 12 Chapter 12 I don't have a good feeling13 Chapter 13 We need to talk14 Chapter 14 If you want answers... call me15 Chapter 15 I'll take you out, baby16 Chapter 16 The time has come17 Chapter 17 Let justice be done18 Chapter 18 She's innocent19 Chapter 19 Do you have a suspect 20 Chapter 20 Stop playing the hero21 Chapter 21 I'm a killer22 Chapter 22 That bastard is going to pay me23 Chapter 23 Every second counts24 Chapter 24 You shouldn't worry about me25 Chapter 25 Thank you for trusting me 26 Chapter 26 Two heads are better than one27 Chapter 27 She is taking everything from me28 Chapter 28 I don't want any cent29 Chapter 29 I think he is in love30 Chapter 30 Now you're going to hear me31 Chapter 31 Low blow32 Chapter 32 She crossed the line33 Chapter 33 You are wrong34 Chapter 34 It's none of your business35 Chapter 35 You are wasting your time36 Chapter 36 The case has been reopened37 Chapter 37 His cynism has no limits38 Chapter 38 Eduard was right39 Chapter 39 No deal40 Chapter 40 Forgive me41 Chapter 41 Why have you turned to me 42 Chapter 42 Eduard fall in love with me 43 Chapter 43 I think it was Liliana who killed Ethan44 Chapter 44 Original autopsy report45 Chapter 45 Just answer the question!