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Realignment Sparkle

Chapter 2 The Meeting

Word Count: 1052    |    Released on: 16/02/2024

was Reyno

on would he have to be willing to take on an arranged marriage? She wondered how her father made his list. Did

onship. She was not a fool to believe that meant he had been celibate all these while. If he had any dirty deals, he hid them well because there was nothing shady to learn about him. As a matter of fact, she came to a realization that he was the perfect candidate. He seemed okay but what if i

er called, touc

lone? You know it bothers your

rnt it all her life. And even now at twenty five, she knew

ffered a tight lipped smile while gu

me fresh air. You know its my fir

her. It had worked for a while, they would both smile and laugh over it, before it lost

stand dear. I was only worried y

m when it came to her father. The truth about him was being ungrateful but every extr

Amy responded as interested as she could, but not long after, she found herself searching for someone. She looked around for a while before she finally caught him talking with a man. She observed him from then on, every perso

herself. His appearance of ease and how he did not bother d

versation with the man he had been talking with. Th

as no longer just moving around, greeting and discussing the next business deal. Amy realized her father had a destination. It was not until they approached a table that she noticed it was Reynolds she was walking towards. This t

it would have surely bothered her more. But as it was, it was simply a laugh amongst many others that continued ringing out at int

two fathers were having. But he never spoke, simply obse

ometime, so we can di

nd his mother and then longer at Amy before replying, ‘We’ll see”. Amy was not sure if his response was a confirmation or a consideration th

, Reynolds excused himself while the mothers complimented each other. Diana especially showered Amy with a lot of praises causing her

r them, and they had entered the car back t

ed for her on her future husba

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