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The Ties That Bind: The Borderlands Book 1

Chapter 2 The Summons

Word Count: 2035    |    Released on: 17/02/2024

, but at the moment Danny felt like it was a million year gap. He remembered his Aunt Alice saying it was the miles not the years th

abels. As expensive as each garment no doubt was, it was designed to

re wore a tailored Italian suit,’ Danny though

that the expensive lawyer his father sent to defend him would see him free an

wipe the fact that Brutus once had a normal name from their memory banks. Unfortunately for Mr. Cole, he was having a much harder time helping out Sean Lockwood. Bru

es time carved in his face. While the lines were etched by a lifetime of smiles, in interview those lines were as malleable

as saying to Mr. Cole and his disgruntled

” he said. A sneer of distain

nd on his arm. “Mr.

ment. At the beginning of the interview he was certain Cole meant it as ‘Please let me do the talking so I can get you out of this.’ Now, he wasn’t so sure. Dan

ny crossed paths with him many times before. Never once had he seen the lawyer as anything but a professional wall for

bout Sean b

iet room. “I want a deal,” Sean said. He loo

nny take over. They had been switching back and forth as they dealt with the recalcitrant Lockwood, o

you, I’m no snit

red if pulling out one of the scraggly little hairs decorating Sean’s upper l

unded tired. “Perhaps I could have a moment

ywhere with Sean. The pipsqueak wasn’t getting out free and clear, not by a long shot. But he had information he could pass on to lessen his punishment

the door behind him. While they couldn’t hear the conversation in t

emper finally sna

to speak, but Cole cut him off with a gesture. He then started speaking rapidly, making sharp angry motions with his hands

I suppose,” Danny said. Charlie looke

ke he was about to lose it,” Charlie said. “I’ve never seen

thing is up? Danny asked.


you asked me yesterday, I would have bet Marcus Cole wasn’t one of them. So why no

was cleared of the murder charges, so it’s just the drugs. Maybe they

ative and ultra-respectable Lockwood family not wanting

cus Cole. He’s good, but he is also known for representing folks the Lockwoods would consider less than savory. They wouldn’t want to

you and me,” Charlie reminded him. He

ing on. Through the glass, they saw Marcus Cole stop talking. Sean was si

o read lips to see

ant the deal,”

mething for nothin

got is his supplier. We get the supplier, he gets away with a lovely

t enough to listen to h

at’s you, always seei

wall. He looked like he should have a plodding mind to go with the brick solid body, but Danny knew his mind was sharper than a well-honed blade. More importantly he didn’t have a single ounce of politica

rest of him. Danny thought of it as the indulgent Uncle look, if your uncle happened to be the size of a gri

p Captain?”

study Sean and Cole through the

concerns. Wallace nodded slowly. As Charlie finished the run

ce said. He turned from the glass and looked

ven if something is hinky we aren’t getting it out of Cole today. And the DA already laid

ace turned before Danny could answer.

turning to follow his captain.

u t

erything seemed normal. Computer keyboards click clacked as information was added to the system. Phones rang and were answered.

e strange,’ Danny thought. Two men in pressed black suits sat waiting for them.

als was good news. The few times Danny had been involved in such cases befor

captain moved behind his desk, slid behind the massive form of it and sat do

of case,” D

wn lines deepened. He looked to the agents. One of the agents held out

gger isn’t it?” Danny as

sed. The others in the room would know it as the seal of an official office. He couldn’t remember the official title at the moment as he never used it. The others knew only th

identifiable details. The two men in the office were to be his escort. They would be taking him directly to the

nds were cal

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