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A Dream of Rome

Chapter 5 The escape

Word Count: 1593    |    Released on: 17/02/2024

om a single torch, flickering on the wall. She glanced at Luca, who was sitting on the floor, his back against the wall. His eyes were closed, and he was breathing slowly, as

d see his muscles tense. Then, without warning, Luca lashed out with his fist, striking one of the guards and knocking him to the ground. The other guard rushed forward, but Luca was ready for him. He kicked out, knocking the guard off balance, then scrambled to his feet. Isabella knew this was their chance. She grabbed Luca's hand and pulled him towards the door. He was moving quickly, but she could see that he was still in pain. His face was pale, and his breathing was labored. The guards were regrouping, and she knew they didn't have much time. She ran towards the door, pulling Luca behind her. But just as they reached it, the door burst open and another group of guards rushed in. Isabella and Luca were trapped, with nowhere to run. The lead gu

room. A section of the wall had been knocked down, and stan

with muscles the size of tree trunks. The g

ella whispered, staring

e can keep the giant, but I'll try to k

er heart pounding. "Who are you

o help," he said, his voice deep and resonant. "I've been watching

re was a loud crash from the far side of the room. A section of the wall had been

with muscles the size of tree trunks. The g

ella whispered, staring

e can keep the giant, but I'll try to k

er heart pounding. "Who are you

o help," he said, his voice deep and resonant. "I've been watching

. She couldn't believe

turned to Luca, who was still sitting on the ground, his eyes wide. "Are you ready to go?" the giant asked. Luca nodded, and the giant scooped him up in one enormous hand. Then, he turned to Isabella. "Do you trust me?" he asked. Isabella hesitated for a moment, then nodded. The giant gently lifted her up and placed her in his other hand. Then, he started towards the hole in the wall. As they stepped through the hole, Isabella felt a rush of cold air. She looked around, and her jaw dropped. They were st

nd we can rest." Isabella and Luca followed him into the cave, and the giant gathered some wood and began to build a fire. The flames crackled and popped, and soon the cave was warm and cozy. Isabella and Luca sat huddled together, their exhaustion overtaking them. As they slept, the giant kept watch, his eyes alert for any sign of danger. He knew they weren't out of the woods yet, but he was determined to keep

anything. Or I can let you go, and you can start a new life, free from the past." Isabella and Luca looked at each other, their eyes filled with uncertainty. "We just want to be together," Isabella said, her voice soft. "That's all we've ever wanted." The giant nodded, his expression unreadable. "I can grant you that wish," he said. "But you The giant nodded, and a sad smile crossed his face. "I understand," he said. "I know that

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