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Blooming Betrayal

Blooming Betrayal

Author: Chidazzle

Chapter 1 Storm

Word Count: 1079    |    Released on: 23/02/2024

iltered through the window, casting a warm glow on the delicate petals of the flowers arrange

ial people. Avery couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement mixed with apprehension. Despite her sheltered upbrin

the subtle glances and backhanded compliments. Avery sensed it like a faint whispe

dance in the sunlight, their petals unfurling in a delicate symphony of color and fragr

gasp, momentarily losing herself in the sheer magnificence of the man who stood before her. Towering like a cypress, his dark hair fell in waves that framed eyes the colo

ay he surveyed the shop, his sharp gaze missing nothing, the subtle tension radiating from his well-muscled bui

ting on her skin. It was deeper than she expected, laced with a hint of an

es, their stark white beauty starkly contrasting the crimson roses and sun-k

, her voice barely a whisper. "W

is lips. "Let's just say it's an apology.

at clung to him spoke of journeys far and wide, secrets whispered on the wind. She gestured towards a

ir cool elegance mirroring the mystery in his ey

er of amusement, as if testing her perception. "Intriguing," he finally said, his v

her cheeks. "Perhaps," she said, her voice barely ab

his face like sunshine breaking through the clouds. "Then they a

than just a sale. It was the beginning of something new, something exhilarating and unsettling all at once. The storm brewing outside

s for a beat too long. "I have a feeling these

shaken her world. As she closed the shop door, a single orchid petal fluttered to the ground, a delicate harbinger of the whirlwind about to unfold in her previously sheltered lif

His presence lingered in the air like a whisper, his words echoing in her mind long after he had left. She found

c smile and piercing gaze haunting her every move. She found herself wondering about the apolog

d by the enigmatic stranger and the implications of his visit. She couldn't shake the feeling th

t of quiet reflection. She knew she couldn't ignore the feelings that stirred within her, nor could she de

d unspoken desires. She knew she had a lot to think about, and she couldn't help but wonder what the future h

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