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The Between Love And Hate

Chapter 5 Simple gesture

Word Count: 2326    |    Released on: 23/02/2024


ble. And that only went round and roun

n why I don't blend with their topic. I

t time we're in a party. Those are my reaso

t happened that the girls arou

ting like a jealous gir

stop this topic." Ry

ietly listening to what

" Karen smirked at Ryle. He threw a

to join us Sky? We're going

y head. "Shoul

tomorrow?" I smile

Ryle went in another direction

left w

said softly. He d


ll advance pay

at it's already

you right

y smiled.

he just

st sighed and shook his head.

ebrow. "Why ar

I'm just

that, his face cleared up, the prev

ed me. His whole bo

le all this time?

his simple gesture makes my heart stop f

asking?" I wi

aw dropped as I

't say

f. "You're beautiful." That's why I a

mmediately put down the glass while w


t flirting with me righ

k his head. "No...

t even try, I'l

ised his hands

ly laughed at

man cry?" He laughed mockingly. Of cou

beg until I'

red because of what he said again.

o boys who o

"That's not

s what I u

What's you

say, my type doesn't exist

ook his head. "D*mn."

"Your smile is literally the cutest

ld feel my face turn red from him and I was even mo

me see if you're sick." He said while placi

his hand that


know if I can laugh because I

irt, with so many of you, I must be the girl you

an eyebrow an

tried." In the end, I couldn't escape the ghostly smile

and sole heir of the El Fuego SRIS companies? Oh come on, with your background maybe even if


. Yes, you're handsome, but you're too innocent, even th

y forehead was wrinkled

softly because he

nny?" I as

you were so b

old the t

s ok

don't say no one tells you.... You see those girls.." I p

liments, but

together. I don't want to l

e laughed whe

e didn't reach the elevator

might be meaning.... it's hard. Pe

ber, it's real


sleepy that when I lie down on t

'm in a beach with two li

and met someone, I l

ids. I stared at the three of them from a distance, I could

l from the pho

It rings aga

ned on the headboard of the bed, I looked at the tim

g my senses because I couldn'

py now. I just don't k

y i

Happy?" He shouted

ning to me is dangerous, it's saf

be bored in that kind of province. You're rich, you're an hei

o, my situatio

five! If you're not safe, it's ten! You'll onl

gation it will be over. Also, I'm not alo


ah, Kion will send

do. I don't know if he's older than

ntasize abou

es I'm attracted to a guy but I don't w

Lucas?" I laughed

will marry a woman and you wi

ghing and so did he. I felt

Curtain, a strong wind exposed me. It's almost sev

Here I will do the rep

ere was a small coffee table and two wo

open, the coffee is on the side and the b

written there, which means that not only on


us Al

side. I have only met them once but they are no

s involved in the incident but based on the investigatio

is an Engineer. They build a small busi

is still growing and does not fall even if it is not the father and mother who are maneuve

women and young men. We immediately face

is not much strong evidence to press because of the clean frame up

sent me, reports on the projects on the board

en forty when

a message f

r so I'm sure the m


Aren't you going

the rest of the co


are you

ve ignored it because it


I can't keep up with you

tarted again what I was do



ch earlier, how did

his message and started lo

phone stopped ringing

breath. Put the anti rad glasses back on

so surprised wh

s missed call popped up.

e speaker and placed it next to my cup so that

vered. His voice is diffe

It's again. That v

d, "A b

swering my t

I said I'm full so I

my last

ered to change the conversati

line went silent, I glanced at the phone

ping on the

want to hear your

was doing because

vous and panic again f

n. I don't know what to answer because I stil

maybe noticing that I didn'

es? I'm sorry, I'm j

at you're going to do." He said. "And then after you

s and gently put the

ure." M

o you can finish what you're d

n the table, the call had not ended

htly and looked at t

, d*mn it! I don't know wh

he li

hair and pounde


this is just a normal. Th

returning my attention to what I

ing, and if he is, I


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