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Become A Slave Of My Ex-Boyfriend

Chapter 5 My Office

Word Count: 2282    |    Released on: 24/02/2024



ng a lot I'm reading papers

There and wet Here Alw

was doing, someone entered

eeting in 3 pm

there in


an lea

t imme

nt outside to see the pe


eeting with Mr. Nav

new products for

I'm going to my ho

nd got into the car.

was smeal someth

iately after I

so I was the only one who opened it. She probably

w her slicing carrot and pota

e noti

as doing. Looking to m

been looking at him for a while, I

re you

hm pi


are in

something. Because

before enter

as preparing a food for me and Yun was pickled I just miss it .but w

ady, while making the bed,

's e

o eat a food wi

here is another dish there.

. I'm going to

heard Kona leaving. His step. I lay down

if she was sleeping already. When I saw her sleeping, I ate.

I said while looking at the pot that she cooked. And

ry that's why


s it. I'm

way what I ate, I entered

en's or my boss's clothes. When I was awake. Ken wasn't here already. He probably ca

down and has been washed

terday ahh. But where did

shed all my work at home, I went into the room to finish it. Bright has a meeting today and

e ri

s h


! any p

he client at 3 pm in the a

y th


g to do anything

re making are done..cgeh Mona Ako wil

'll wait

ght away. She brought the things she m


in the me

caught my attent

prised why

at I was also surprised, so

veryone let's s


said by the person who presented in fr

sides me, he's

are yo

I'm just going

a didn't notice that

o misc

beside you? I can see that you too ar

sir, you a

same time. I imm

ing? Are you shy

id sud

of Ken's mouth...actually, I don'

ke you're married and I'm waiting for it to happen" with a smile and a laugh. other than preten

ome in that situation just not now but very soon like babe" which surprised me Diko didn't know wh

is he



have an impo

got their

when the person who is a b

ced Sia coming out and looking for


seem to have an


taxi just go home firs

the one who did that" I sho

he entered

. We didn't talk on the



open the gate

back she was sleeping already..I went

she was peacefully s

oyfriend which is that ba*yard man who is full of air....When I remembered how they made me jealous earli

gonna put your bad sm

ddenly and en

rised at h

go inside my house a

.she still my maid ,that's why she neet to work her .s

for me.

do it y

to do it. remember you still in my house


tearful eyes t

already have a boyfriend and soon t

hat...just do i

et out and cook for me ..I'm hungry" I shouted and

he s

uched me, h

suddenly disappeared His

.I'm going to c

aid and left

really feels like it'

and I were talking, suddenly my vision went dark

or a while before buying water

eliver me but he still has business to talk to so I jus

id that I would just take a taxi to the house so I could go to Kona by myse


..wake up

up to t

no app

uld have been the one whom you serve not you that

ine. actually I just forced him. since before He didn

we ate, I went to my room and took


ought of taking a p

know why I do it. With all her sins against me,

and I saw her trying to ra

u doing? you

going to d

st, don't be so h

re because I

to do somethin

id fa

pulled him and brought

nergy to work again with me

d sto

just going to comfort

me bri

what I did.. did I just

little embar

n't want to see her struggling ..do

I came close to her and

lained a lot, but I

n the toilet and

don't want also what im

oom and I waited

nutes when she came

is to me. I'm just your



that... nonsense" I said ang

o the room an


oing to eat it..when I realize that I'm

her I think because we have a good relat

on't want to hurt myself a

and brought her some f

ing down but

me with no ene

t t

d you

what he was

o eat just eat I'm

g but eat and dri

ll worried a

ised by his

nna die here and I was the suspect

I a

m getting better I'm going to

surprised but I


left his room with t

as if hurt..it should be happy but I'm


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