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Chapter 4 other men.

Word Count: 1287    |    Released on: 26/02/2024

ardens, selling fruit I pick from other people's trees. I'm trying to fend for myself because I can't go back to where I came from. He paid her no attention.

rtain and bitter future might not become reality. He said: if you do everything right. He trusted her. In a way, that was a vote of confidence, right? Yes, it was a vote of confidence in her. She dropped to her knees on the floor and hugged him by the legs. — Thank you very, very much, sir... You won't regret giving me this opportunity — Tears ran down her face, sobs shook her shoulders, the feeling of relief seemed to shift all the weight from her back. — Don't do that, stupid kid — He scolded her, freeing himself from her arms — Look for Geraldo, a short, fat old man who wears a straw hat. The man's rudeness no longer mattered, as he had just given her the possibility of a new life. For those who walked along the side of the road, with their only possession being the backpack they carried on their back, that was luxury. Chapter 6 Geraldo, or rather Mr. Geraldo, was in fact a man in his early sixties, short, fat and wearing a straw hat. The somewhat dingy white shirt stuck out of his worn jeans and bulged over his prominent belly. The buttons looked like they would pop off at any moment. Despite his disheveled appearance and the seriousness in which he received her, he seemed like a pretty nice guy. As soon as he saw her, he declared: — The boss called me, talking about you. — He looked her up and down, seeming more curious than judgmental — He caught you in the barn, right? No one has ever entered without permission on the farm. You were only spared because you are a mad outsider. Spared? What do you mean, spare? Does that mean she was lucky not to be murdered for so little?, she thought about asking, but common sense made her keep her curiosity to herself. She nodded and, when he turned his back to her, followed him towards a masonry pavilion near the trees that offered good shade. — Is your name Mariano? — He asked, without much interest as he walked. — Yes. — And the last name? —Gonzaga. — Hmm. She waited for something to come after the hmm, but he then changed the subject. — The temps stay here. — She pointed inside as soon as she open

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