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ple on that farm, she had never been there, although she mentally visited them every day. For years she controlled herself, listened to advice from Walid, the priest, the president of the coun
tly in the country room. The invitation to relax at night came from Walid. He knew that she would return possessed from visiting the usurper of her father's lands. When he arrived at the farm, he went straight to his room and threw himself on the bed. He tried to cry in anger, but he couldn't. So he slept all afternoon. In the afternoon he was woken up by the gentle wind that blew the bedroom curtain. He sat on the bed and evaluated her life, she felt terrible, empty and lonely. Before sinking into depression, she got out of bed and rode for a while. Then he took a shower and went down to the porch. Until the invitation to go out came. Walid invited her, because that way he left the expense to the boss, herself, Valentine, the muggle. - Hello, Cris, how is the baby? - she asked the waitress. She could see the sparkle in the woman's eyes every time Valentine asked about her son. - He's drooling like hell, I think his teeth are coming in, you know, tearing through his gums. - Poor thing, what torture! I remember very well when my teeth came out - said Walid, acting funny. - We are both suffering, because he is just being cunning. - Cris' complaint was accompanied by a smile - Well, what are you going to drink? - A caipirinha, señorita. - I thought you were going to be tough, Valentine. - Walid liked extravagant drinks, preferably the most expensive ones - Dear Cris, please bring a bottle of whiskey. -The cheapest whiskey, please. - Valentine intervened, ignoring Walid's disapproving look. - That's it, guys. As soon as the waitress walked away, Walid started waving frantically, stood up and waved both arms calling whoever was coming to their table. -Bella! Here, darlings! Come, Sulaine! - Did you invite them? - the two were girlfriends, one more jealous than the other and that meant a shack in sight. - Damn, I want peace, don't you understand? I just got into an argument with a son of a bitch, no more stress for today. - Dear, listen to me... - he pouted and then spoke in a thick, very masculine voice - just don't mess with the Bella girl. The two sat down in chairs, and the glasses didn't stay empty for long. She didn't like shacks, but she always ended up stuck in one of those, and the couple at the table had doctorates in it. In truth, she was already tired of that place and the type of mus