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Zombie in my life


Word Count: 4724    |    Released on: 27/02/2024

mp. There were also dozens of military troops complete with weapons. What's going on? We were intercepted by several soldiers, our motorbikes were directed to the left

rms, and one person in a vest with the words "National rescue team" were taking notes and observ

, said the soldier sitting in front of us, he was rather short, stocky, with sh

one, "hey!!!, answer!! where are you from??!!". Bager ventured to speak, "umm ... anu sir we a

t to go home sir to Boyo city", we replied simultaneously. Lieutenant Colonel was silen

we admitted it was wrong, don't be punished please sir," Ragol whined. "Alright, who told you to come here, where are your road papers and vaccine pap

breath stabbed my nose. He glared and said, "You don't mess around!!, yo

e are no people in Boyo city, Boyo city is dead, now where are your travel papers and medica

them to the medical examination room!", ordered the lieutenant colonel to 4 of his subordinates. t

Mo. I asked the gentleman in front of me, "sorry sir, what's going on?", he replied, "follow the procedure". My hunch was right about the connection

d from her child. Her child was positively infected and had to be separated. "I want my child!!!," the mother shouted while thrashing and tryi

sir, we are clean sir, nothing hurts, please let us go sir,"

In front of me was a man with a mustache, in front of him was a woman wearing a face mask. I saw in the ex

front of the queue was led by soldiers into the room on the left. When the door was opened, I desperately went forward to

crawling out of the room, crawling slowly towards me. the soldier behind

cked by what I had just seen. "oi rif, what's in there?" Bager asked

omise not to drink and play with women anymore." Rag

door on the right. Then it was my turn. "Put your han

injected, my blood was taken a little and put into a small tube. the small tube

etal door on the right. The door opened and there were dozens of people inside but this time it wasn't as

of bunk beds on the ceiling. The room was hot because it was crowded with people. "Hi mas, come here mas!", I was called by someone. It turned ou

m lined up 13 people looking like thugs greeted me, they were also friends of Mr. Boy. Soon Ragol entered this room, followed by Nizar, Alwi, Bager, Fadil and Mo. I looked relieved that they were okay, clea

thing like this," said Mr. Boy, then Mr. Boy explained the development of C

tellite networks are paralyzed, victims infected with the virus are almost 85% of the city's population", sai

to our families there? "So sir, what about the people in Boyo c

in large numbers. The rumor is that the military was overwhelmed, the government had thrown up its hands, then

now where they are being evacuated to", Mr. Boy's terrifying explanation left us gaping

City the virus has spread to the cities around Boyo City. Since yesterday there has been this post,

without knowing their fate. The room became more crowded and full, the

t he was the lieutenant colonel who had interrogated us earlier. "well all have been collected, all of you who are here you are all clean, you will be our responsibility, we wi

for going in and out of this room, you will remain here in this quara

r here than out there, you are under our supervision, you remain here unt

ers. "clack, clack", the door to this room was locked, an iron door that confined me and my friends and hundr

tress, understandably the number of people here is almost hundreds, but there are only 50 level mattresses. I saw Ragol who was cryi

"ah no way, I don't believe it!". "We'll follow the proc

he asked. We all said yes. "Can we?", I asked. Mr. Boy smiled and said, "jus

asleep. I couldn't sleep at all, I couldn't calm down. The cell phone signal can't be used. I can't contact my

so quiet and the gas station was empty", I explained to Bager, Nizar, and Alwi th

OIT 20 virus outbreak. I didn't have time to look at the date on the newspaper clipping. But I could deduce fr

he emergence of the COIT 20 virus until the regulation on

dy blockaded the city and isolated it from the outside world. Fuck, I can

been out of town for a week, the last time there was still fairly safe, only the PSBB was

"This is all just a trick of the corrupt government. We all shouldn't be locked up here, we are nega

a cage but this is a quarantine process for our own safety". "Uh sir, I actually feel sorry for the people in this room, we ar

is is how Alwi panics easily, carelessly, always acts or says

s we can get punished," said Nizar while holding Alwi's shoulder. "ah biarin!, I'm not afraid, do you want to stay here? You idiot!", Alwi then went to the bunker doo

and Bager tried to pull Alwi. Some people were also annoyed with Alwi and

ituation, but it got worse, many people who were already angry ganged up on us. Suddenly Mr. Boy, Ismail and some of

some of his friends. As a result of the uncontrolled commotion and noise. Two guards entered and fired

, Nizar, Bager, Mo, Ragol, Fadil, and me. "Yes sir they are troublemakers!", "you rebels!", "kick them out!", the sound of the cacophony of people who cornered us. "diaaaam

, we are just confused young people and we are in a panic, we ju

ar also defended himself, "we don't mean anything, let alone want to run away!". "Lies!", expel sir, just punish these punks, "shouted the people cornerin

st had a dispute with one of the residents which ended up provoking each other's emotions, but actually the one who was wrong was me, I made them panic. They don't know anything, they don't kno

Ismail's voice. "This is my friend sir, sorry his speech is not clear, but he and I are witnesses", said one of Mr. Boy's friends. Followed by 13 of Mr. Bo

ends. Ismail was not detained, perhaps because the guard felt sorry for Ismail's short, skinny physique a

red. "Hey, sir, why don't you take those young troublemakers with you?", protes

here", sai

ou accuse me, it's clear that these kids are the ones who messed up!", the man didn't accept, he gra

at relieved that the stocky man was also detained because he was the provocateur. I don't know what would have

oked at us sarcastically. As a result of the dispute earlier, it seems that the people here seem to be consumed by the incitement of

ith a grin. The time has shown three o'clock in the morning. Bager, Nizar, Alwi, Ragol, and Mo were all sleeping. I still can't sleep, still can't calm dow

ilet. 15 minutes had passed and Ismail had not come yet. The room seemed quiet because almost everyone was sle

. I woke up my friends. "Hey, where are you going? Where are the guards?", I asked. "Follow me", said Mr. Boy'

the soldiers?", asked Nizar. Ismail and his friend did not answer and signaled us to follow him. After getting out of the bunker, Mr. Boy's friend signaled us to es

After passing through the post, we saw dozens of soldiers engaged in

he soldiers. When we had almost passed the back area of the post suddenly, "hey, where are you going?!!!," shouted the guard. Shit, we were caught. "RUN GUYS!!!",

hard as they could. I didn't see Mo, Fadil, and Ragol. "Where are the others?", I asked while running. "Don't stop Rif, keep running, the others will follow behin

ht. I sneaked cautiously behind the parked cars. Two soldiers ran past me, they

It was a tense atmosphere, my heart seemed

ieve that it was Mr. Boy and his flock who had triggered this riot. They were armed. They were shooting at each other with the soldiers. It was a sight

Boy pulled me to hide behind a pile of wood and iron scraps. "You have been instructed by my men to run to the forest, wh

following Ismail to the area behind this post and finally we were caught by the g

the field, I followed him while keeping my distance. Mr. Boy came up to one of his men who was shooting at soldiers, from an unseen s

ze of mangoes, I didn't really see them clearly because I was quite far behind Mr. Boy, and also the atmosphere at that time was rather dark. Mr. Boy pul

d sand were blown everywhere by the grenade explosion. I tried to open my eyes, even though it was a little p

I let go of Mr. Boy's hand that was carrying me, and stopped. "Wait a minute, I'm not going anywhere until I meet my three f

asing us. Mr. Boy and I ran, and he pulled me to hide behind an SUV. "Stay here and don't make a sound!", said Mr. Boy. He

rs. Mr. Boy took aim. "Bang!, bang!, bang!", three shots to the chest, the three soldiers were killed instant

ll in shock. My curiosity made me ask Mr. Boy, "sir, who are you?". Mr. Boy just


I wanted to make sure Mo, Fadil, and Ragol were safe. "Sir!!!", someone called from behind, he r

ld my three friends be arrested. "You just shut up, let me take care of it", said Mr. Boy. I'm not c

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