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Lecturer's Second Wife

Chapter 2 Lecturer

Word Count: 1189    |    Released on: 28/02/2024

nstead of helping me, he just left, you ignorant lecturer. It hurts again," Mira mutte

ked, seeing that her best frie

my father's treatment." Mira just blinked her shoulders, she was also confused

Rani thought it was better for her friend to find a s

rotested Mira, who had indeed become an om-om's mistress, she was indeed using to

ooking for another sugar daddy." Mira nudged her best

i just wanted to suggest her best friend, who k

plan. We'll see," muttered a man who was standing behind his wall. Hea

," Arya said that he wanted to talk alone with his student, he di

aid Mira asking her lecturer to talk now, why did her lec

ya refused the request from his stud

really want to talk, just talk here, w

her, she could just talk in this place. No need to talk in the lecturer's room anymore, making her th

best friend to immediately go to her lecturer's room, rather than her bes

to her lecturer's room not wanting to talk anymore. Arriving in front of her le

d her lecturer's room, seeing that her lecturer was busy with

's treatment?" thought Arya already knew that the woman was

asked, wondering why her lecturer k

re conditions," said Arya not wanting to tell the gi

wning, wanting to know what the co

ile leaning her body on her oversized c

ou marry again? You don't think about your wife's feelings at all!" protested Mira, not wanting to mar

l of my wife and my parents." Arya didn't want to remarry at all

ra, trying to apologise to her lectu

to remarry. Whether I want to or not, I have to obey her wishes," said Arya, recounting his famil

greed with his parents' request. Even though he did not wan

, wanting to know the reason why her lecturer agreed to his wife's wish to

lose her." Arya just didn't want to lose the w

own wife," Mira thought, not expecting that

or your father?" Arya asked, wanting to know whether the girl would acc

only resigned that she accepted her lecturer's offe

ime to go home, I want to take you to my wife's house." Arya wanted to take

t her lecturer in surprise, why was she in

ter." Arya just wanted the girl to meet his wife and then the two

her head, the two of you immediat

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