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From Prisoner to Princess [Royal Rebellion Book 1]

Chapter 5 Four

Word Count: 3378    |    Released on: 28/02/2024


a migraine wrecks my brain. Just what happened to me after the Palace Guard saved me? I wonder, allowing my body to si

emory I have being that I passed out after seeing the insignia on the Palace Guard’s blazer. From there I had dreams, or were they nightmares, that flew past my mind lik

look around, I take a deep breath and open my eyes, wincing and squinting when the bright light causes more pain to

ble and soft. Large fluffy pillows are behind me, the scent of mint and vanilla wafting fro

ble glass doors, fresh air filtering in from outside. There is no musty and damp scent that I have grown used too, only the scent

rsening the migraine that I wish would just go away. It seems that the double doors lead to a balcony that is kept clean o

gainst the cream and gold wall with a book shelf directly beside that. Infront of the desk is a small sitting area with a

explaining why the room is so warm even with the doors open. In front of the fire place is a set of couches and lounges face the large grey brick centerpi

nity made of gold and something white - maybe marble – with a large jewelry box on the right of the vanity and some make up brushes and bottles on the left. I have the feeling that

t of double doors, these one made of what I assume to be solid wood. As if my st

arge smile splitting his face and bringing a childish air to him. I

answers as this room feels too familiar to me – like I have been here befo

answers, his happy look slowly disappearing until there is nothing but a solemn expression left. W

Royalty. Everyone knows that the Rebellion killed the King and Queen fourteen years ago and that their daughter, the Lost Princess, has been missin

ushes to sit beside me, holding me like some fragile doll as if at any moment I am going to break. It helps th

ing to rub my back. I pull away for a moment to look around the

ngrily towards the bed, tears running down her chubby little face. At first I think that she is a ghost, until I realiz

lls out as another child appears; his features

notice his eyes, a startling blue that stared into mine as he rescued me from the Prison Guard before he could rape me. What I can only assume to be a memory fades away as I take in what I just witness

s his stubbled jaw. He looks tired, the dark circles under his eyes telling me that it has

gainst mine, his blue eyes closing as he pulls me closer. I freeze, unsure how I feel about him kissing me like this and unsure

sing my eyes I wince as memories flash through my mind of he and I playing together as children. Of my fifth birt

meone – to a knight – and told him to protect me. But no one protected me. In the end I found myself in the Slums alone, cold and hungry with no

ut with each memory that surfaces I can see the real Demitrias behind the fake mask he wears. He never cared for

ush him away and quickly climb ou

ut hesitation, I remove his jacket from me, throwing it di

quickly question. Watching as his shocked face soon becomes morphed with exasperation a

?” I shout back, shaking as my anger turns to rage. Demitrias flinches, his blue eyes searching my face as I glare back at him. If he is

eyes meeting mine with a pleading look. It’s a good act he is putting on but I can see the slight a

how he slightly shifts to sit straighter. He is hiding something from me and it’s probably the fact his father isn’t happy to know I am alive. If in six years time I had not returned, his father would hav

relax and when you are ready we can talk.” He sighs out, giving me a look like he is settling a chil

ing as the mask falls once again and he stan


elf to fight if need me. I catch sight of two Guards watching from the hallway, hands o

, his body trembling. Seems like I

as one of the Guards – a blond haired, green eyed man - shoves him away from my door before nodding to me respectfully. I thank them befo

ave my prison slippers on but someone must have taken them from me when I was asleep. Taking another step onto the cold tile, I try my best to get used to the feeling as I walk towards the mirror to see just what

The skin underneath them is dark and sunken in and it will be a few more da

angles. No one really cared for the looks of those that were made to do

to work on detangling my hair. After what feels like an eternity and a lot of winci

s sense of urgency I feel after kicking Demitrias out has me walking away, deciding that a bath will be left for tonight. Stripping off the skimpy clothes that is my prison uniform and quickly throwing them

d it is to turn a shower on until I finally manage to get the damned contraption working. Instantly

elter and warmth while staving. How a man took me under his wing and taught me to steal to survive for two years before

y for my people that have suffered the last fourteen years since the Rebellion took the lives of my friends and parents. I cry for everything including myself. How I was abandoned

to take back control from the Regent. Duke Juden Trilavantas has caused so much damage that I need to reverse starting with taking away his

to the shower, my curls have returned to my golden hair and it takes some time for me to dry them, deciding to allow the locks to flo

he little princess dresses I used to have as a child, now the wracks are filled with clothes fit for a Queen. I decide to by pass the many dresses that hang on the left hand and instead focus on the ri

ee high boots. With one last look in the mirror I take a deep breath, something sparkling catching my attention just over my shoulder in the mirror’s reflection. There, glittering under it’s own light, is a tiara I remember my mother wearing made of white gold with vi

eavy wood hitting the walls. With a step forward, I walk past the men and make my way through the main hall towards

is my

rth r

mine once and for all and end the

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