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The Devil's Warrior Queen

Chapter 8 Journey

Word Count: 1668    |    Released on: 01/03/2024

escort her and Jafar to the black dragon's lair, but not to pass into the dragon's lair with them

single braided ponytail. They all mounted on their horses and set for the ride, it would be hours

ssible after her failed seduction, luckily everyone was tight-lipped, no one s

't bring herself to spare him a glance, she was hurt and mortified but she swept it at the back

e canopy of leaves from the trees prevented the rays of the sun from

ir, the darker and eerier the air became, it suddenly felt

where the black dragon resided, it was now left to Rama and Jafa

hear the sound of the ocean waves and smell fresh water, it was relieving but not for long un

itself heavily over the cliff as if warning peo

but she quickly averted it. She could feel him mov

your life is more valuable than the throne." She heard him whisper wit

el eyes before halting at Jafar who was being wished fortune by the officials,

started off to the cliff, it had a steep trail

sping on to the stone wall, scraping her palms and

trance of the dragon's lair, she heard Jafar who was

d every nook of the place, making it look like an infinite hole of darkness, but wha

t time she swallowed in such a serene sight became a heavy shield for her to carry, but she would

he darkness inside the lair with a shock

neered at him even though she was equally agitated, bu

words followed, it seemed as though he w

a foot into the darkness that quickly

Jafar's panicked voice behin

, hands searching for something

en she got a hold of it, it shouldn't be too hard to find a stone, s

ther atop the wood to create light and luckily, it had an effect as the wood imm

e was able to create light with her brain b

I have a dragon to find." She jeered tauntingly at him, adr

oses me as King and feasts on your flesh." Jafar growled lowly before

e was scared to his bones, but he couldn't run away and ac

ragon's lair. Small droplets of water dripped from the very high st

much as she still had to strain her eyes as

properly, careful not to disturb anything, particularly the beast. Rama's leg picked her wa

chest as they proceeded, every second was a

her back like the coward he was. She heard the huffing of feet and

mped to her throat as she veered around gra

yes met the blackest eyes she had ever seen

turned around when he felt the dark presence hovering above him and his mouth hung open in horror wh

he creature growl deeply, its black eyes darkened as it ba

eet move ready to flee from the wrath of the beast, but as quickly as he took his step,

on Jafar's flesh, she could hear his bones crack and his flesh tear

near her, making a loud thud that made the earth rumble. Its nose

black opaque scales that covered its body, and she could see its large feet with sharp long claws that could take a person's head

ll her years of living she had never encountered a beast as terrifying as th

ed its head lightly in front of her, she couldn't quite make out if it was a b

t, she had finally succeeded, she would take h

of crimson red eyes watched intently the display in front of him and

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