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The Wonderful Bed


Word Count: 2174    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

s, from tiny furry babies wheeled in perambulators by their mamas to gray old grandpas hobbling along by the aid of canes or crutches-all the cats of Catnip Island ha

ese pirate with Peter by the hand. The spotted sailors brought up the rear, all but two who had been left to guard the ship. As soon as the shore cats saw that their Chief had bro

ng where he was and standing still to watch th

to be skinned!" It was the voi

but his voice was drowned by the angry yowls that burst from a h

d cleared a way through the crowd and the procession left the beach and entered the pussy-willow grove which Rudolf had described from the deck of the Merry Mouser. Half hidden among the trees were a number of pretty lit

ter! Just like the cat-hole in Aunt Jane's big door. The chimneys ar

the catnip we smell so strong. I don't see any flowers, though, only big tall weeds, ro

last remark, and turning, fixed his large, round, yellow eyes

, very puzzled, "but n

er, wagging his head. "It don't do to be too par

d Peter grinning, "but I neve

"Not a word of that," he murmured, "or I'm a dead cat! You keep mum about th

't you forget!"

rates followed, together with as many of the island cats as could squeeze themselves in. The Pirattery, so the children were informed by Growler and Prowler, was an assembly hall or general meeting-place for the pirates when on shor

getting to mention his escape. This speech was interrupted by tremendous cheers from the island cats which were only faintly joined in by the pirates. Mittens finished by saying that a concert in celebration of the victory would now be given, after which there would be refreshments-Peter pricke

cking up on the treasure! He'll never give u

as, I would," sighed Prowler. "The

st yesterday when we got to Aunt Jane's he was asleep before the fire with a little red bow

when we dressed him up in the doll's clothes-he didn't seem to 'preci

forgetting in his excitement to lower his voice. "And if we

est to the children. "Be quiet," muttered Growler, "unless you wan

en all was so quiet in the hall you could have heard a pin drop, the Chief cleared his throat and nodded to the Maltese pirate who stood ready to accompany him upon

in a high pla

as young,

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as soft

on bread

way my days u


a happy, hap

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y I wou

r silly spool

ne unl

ldren cam

wasn't happ


he wasn't ha

ve me nea

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truth of that you

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rate's li

er be a Puss


ever be a Pus

kly stopped that. As for Growler and Prowler, they merely yawned, as if they had heard this song more than once before, only faintly clapping their paws together in order not to attract the tyrant's attention to themselves. The next piece on the program, so Mittens announ

d Ann, "how shall we e

led Peter. "We're going to have

we do," answered Rudolf. "But li

nd presently the children heard what Prowler was whispering to Growler: "Look h

in Cap'n's cabin," answered

id-cat-I mean to have

in, eh?" exclaimed

, Matey. Share and share alike, you know

th you," broke

red Ann. "And if you don't take us we'll tell, and w

easily manage those old spotties that were left on board. Then, don't you see, when you fellows are master

r with their round yellow eyes full of joy and their whiskered mouths grinning so wide

et away without bei

nce the refreshments-that always means a rush, you know. Then slip through the crowd and out by that door

Tortoise came to an end, and an intermission of ten minutes for refreshments was announced. From an inner room at the back of th

ined nothing more inviting than roasted rats and pickled fish fins, and that these delicacies would probably not be offered to prisoners anyway, he regretfully allowed himself to be pushed through a door at the side of the hall and hurried off in

some kind of challenge from the two spotted cats on guard. Much to their surprise they received none. This was s

in if the Chief caugh

o continue their nap. This little matter attended to, all hands now turned their attention to raising the sail, and by the time the advance-guard of cat pirates came rushing down thro

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