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The Leopard Woman

Chapter 10 The Sultani

Word Count: 2381    |    Released on: 18/11/2017

Kingozi. The latter had nodded a careless acknowledgment; and had referred the man to his mistress. She had disappeared for a time, but now emerged again, bathed, freshened

ored and growing impatient, she trailed over to him, the Nubian following with her chair. Kingozi was absorbed in

t," he murmur

on. From some unsuspected store each porter had drawn forth a few beads, some snuff, a length of wire, or similar treasure; and with them was making the best bargain he could for the delic

," said King

Why do we not do something? I should like some mil

zi shook

ver even seen a white man. Of course they have all heard of us, and know a good deal about us. We must stand on our dignity here. Let

to get on. This does not intere

zi sm

en perhaps a week to g

I could not

a time. With the best intentions in the world you may have to use coercion to keep from starving. And coercion means trouble. Look at Stanley--he left hostilities everywhere, that have lasted up to now. The people were well enough disposed when he came among them with his six or eight hundred

esting. I did

tiate. That's why I say

wasted!" she

ld but just see from one bank to the other; and so swift that rafts were of little avail. So one man went back for a folding boat

aid Kingozi, "they th

isible village. A thin, high, wailing chant in female voices came fitfully to their ears. A

r his pipe, "we are going to be hono

fan of ostrich plumes; and one a long gourd heavily decorated with cowrie shells. The fourth was an impressive individual in middle life, hawkfaced, tall and spare, carrying himself with great dignity. He wore a number of anklets and armlets of polished

man," observed Bibi-ya-chui. "I

glance in the direction

hief Hereditary Guardian of the Royal Cha

ed, the newcomer rather fussily superintended the unfolding and placing of the chair. The slaves

h bead, each shell, each bangle of wire had been passed through many, many hands before it reached this remote fastness of barbarity; and in each hand, you may be sure, profits had remained. But the men were more impressive still. Stark naked of every stitch of cloth or of tanned skins, oiled with an unguent carrying a dull red stain, their heads shaved bare save for a small crown patch from which single feathers floated, they symbolized well the warrio

he clang of the iron, the wild

chair four or five

must ask you to stay where you ar

oncoming process

out. You know those markings on the shields are a true heral

ng, and deposited their burdens at the white man's feet. There were baskets of _m'wembe_, earthen bowls of eggs, fowls, gourds of milk, bundles of faggots and firewood, woven bags of _n'jugu_ nuts, vegetables, and two small sheep.

o speak?" asked


our _askaris_ with their

s attentive satellite. "Cazi Moto," he ordered, "tell our people, quietly, to go back to their camps. They must not

way. Shortly the safari men could be seen saunt

who flanked him by a pace or so to the rear. They were so laden with savage riches as to be almost concealed beneath the strings of cowrie shells and bands of beads. In contrast the man wore only a lon

ured Bibi-ya-chui. "He understand

The latter did not rise. The two men stared into each other's eyes for a full minute

," he rumbled i

ni_" replied K


obes and sat down in the battered old canvas chair

your men have given. I thank you for t

waved his hand

fts until their departure," continued Kingozi

n a most curious fashion. The _sultani's_ eyes lit up with an almost childish delight, but his c

the steaming _balauris_ from Cazi

s pleased. He gave back the _balauri_

!" sa

_ arose. He cast a glance about him, his eye, avid with curios

of your women with

nted girls. The warriors again raised their spears aloft, holding them thus until their lord had round

was visibly impati

d. "Do not you inquire the country? D

ge_. My only chance of getting on, our only chance of safety rests on my ability to impress this man with the idea that I am a bigger lord than he. And, rem

glittered dangerously, bu

," she protested at length. "You

he point aside wi

s things. In this matter there must be no indefiniteness, no chance for misunderstanding. Politeness, betwe

nds?" she challenged, with a

yed her

measures," he r

ter: you are not th

tted himself

er to an order of mine. You would see. And of course in case of a real crisis I

u! I warn you; I

ced a small automatic pistol which she disp

kill yourself, too; and then it

rable!" she cried,

her chair and followed. At the doorway of her tent she looked back. Ki

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