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The Mafia's Secretary

Chapter 2 Lost It All

Word Count: 1585    |    Released on: 03/03/2024

break, when the intrusive beep of her phone pierced through her melancholy

nough to pull her away from

y pertained strictly to work matters. The fact that he was reaching out now, especiall

one, its screen lighti

city of swiping her lock screen was enough for her. Passwords felt lik

usually terse and demanding, bearing none of the usual brevity that characterized he

man of few words, a trait that had

d on one hand. But this message was different, it carried a

artbreak momentarily pushed to the sidelines. She began the ritual of getting dress

breakup was temporarily overshado

ad left her apartment behind, th

sity and trepidation, unsure of what awaited her at work. "How is she the one getting fired? It's such a

or, her anxiety palpable as she tapped her feet impatiently while waiti

rridor leading to the meeting room, she couldn't help

occurred, casting a shadow over the workplace. She swallowed hard, as she approached the meeting room, preparing herself for whatever new

tore open the envelope, fear dancing in her eyes. Her fingers trembled as she unfolded the letter, but just three lines into reading its contents, her wor

m leader, Fred, desperately seeking confirmat

ad hung low, and that silent admission was all she needed. She was indeed fired. "But why?" The

unjust. Theressa was undeniably one of the company's most dedicated and capable employees. "The director had passed the letter directly to me. I'm sorry Theressa" It definitely wasn't Fred's fault, Theressa knew the source of the problem. Why d

I'm fine guys" She's not. But she despised the pity on their f

work table to get her things. "You'll need this" Theressa couldn't hel

oing through all these if you had just stayed still and let me show you love" After hearing such disgusting words from the director, Theressa found it impossible

tone. "Wanna know one big reason? Because your dick is paralysed and dry already. Definitely not my taste, get the hell out

fate had an unexpected twist in store for her. An SUV came hurtling down t

that left her drenched and even more bewildered by the tumultuous day she was experiencing "hell!!"Theressa cursed. Her entire body was now stained with muddy water, every inch of

for her in this world. The SUV had reversed back, which Theressa

the bitterness that had taken root in her heart. "What else do you want from me?" Theressa's voice erupted in a passionate outburst, a torrent of frustration and despair pouring forth. "Haven't yo

egan, "you can com

ed to leave now" The man's statement seemed

ess and sarcasm. "Y'all really are heartless." Her attention shifted to the one who had made the insensitive remark, but before she could take a step toward him, a firm h

gered her outburst, her anger burning hot and unrestrained. "Oh I see, rich ass fellas,

ay before he could. Biting her lip fiercely, Theressa struggled t

tain streamed down her cheeks, betraying her inn

emotions flow freely. She didn't care if there were people watching; the

the heavens, Theressa remained where she was, her cries of anguish merging with the sound of the raindrops. She screamed her heart out, releasing

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