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Three Years' War

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 2036    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ight from P

le, notwithstanding the fact that many of the burghers appeared to have quite lost heart. I

ain how thi

Ferreira, who at once proceeded to make Kimberley his headquarters. On the relief of that town, one part of the besieging force went to Viertienstroom

s own family, but the whole nation, lost in him a man whom they can never forget. I received the sad news the day after his death, and, although th

had no thought of declining it, but the work which it would involve seemed likely to prove anything

for Lord Roberts remained inactive from the 24th of February to the 7th of March, in order to rest a little after the gigantic task he had performed in capturing Cronje's laager. His thoughts

tage to me in enabling me to dispose of the reinforcements, whi

dysmith on the 1st of March, that General Gatacre had taken Stormberg

t results of Genera

enemy, and gave him new courage. This was evident from the reply which Lord Salisbury ma

Republic. He had travelled by rail from Pretoria to Bloemfontein; the remaining ninety-six miles of the journey had been accom

e for the old President even to outspan, for I had received information that the enemy's right wing was already threatening Petrusburg. But as the waggon had travelled that morning over twelve miles of a heavy rain-soaked road, it was absolutely necessary that the horses should be outspanned for rest. But hardly had the ha

nough to shell our positions to any purpose, the wild flight began. Soon every position was evacuated. There was not even an attempt to ho

preceded them. I tried every means. I had two of the best horses that a man could wish to possess, and I rode them till they dropped. All was in

o Mr. Charles Ortel, some eighteen miles from Poplar Grove. T

n hastened to Bloemfontein, in order to take counsel with the Government about our affairs generally, and especially to see what would be the most suitable positions to occupy for

d been placed in position by Generals De la Rey, Andreas Cronje, Philip Botha, Froneman and Piet de Wet, t

n they turned their guns upon Rietfontein, where the Transvaalers and a part of the Free State commandos, under General De la Rey, were posted. The attack upon these positions was fierce and determined; but De la Rey's bur

raise, and it was hard to believe that these were the same men who had fled panic-stricken from Poplar Grove. But with the setting of the sun a change came over them. Once more pani

ight well restore courage in the most disheartened of our burghers. I felt that this would be

on the 5th of March. They called God to witness that it was for the independence of the two Republics, and for that alone,

s he did also on many subsequent occasions, that it was our ultimatum that had caused the war. We have

d not consent to such terms,

ion, consisting of Abraham Fissher,[25] Cornelius H. Wessel

either in his harangue to the burghers at Poplar Grove, nor in any of his subsequent speeches, did President Steyn give any hint of such an intention. The deputation was sent in or

return to m

uctions to keep me informed of Lord Roberts' movements, and proceeded myself to Bloemfontein. There I disposed the available forces for defence, and kept

ew skirmishes ensued south of the town, but no engagement of any im

a fight to the finish, cost what it might! for if Bloemfon

ng both to the officers and to the private burghers. They must play the man, I told them, and save the capital at any

to search for him during the night, and I was compelled to take burghers away from other commandos, and to place them in the abandoned positions. On their arrival there, they discovered that no sooner had Weilbach failed us than th

I did not c

f the 13th of

entrenchments which Commandant Weilbach had dese

another's example like sheep; few made any attempt to defend their posts, and in s

eing fired, Bloemfontein fell

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