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Catch Me If You Can Enego

Chapter 3 My first kiss

Word Count: 2596    |    Released on: 05/03/2024



ide eyes. All eyes are o

face turned

an you know that it's him then?.."

e pointing at yoji. My tears are abou

g a mask look." Zyo went in front of yoji and was about

pain and Yoji le

tood up fr

iñego." My whole body is shaking and it

d Zyo moved a

om him. I took my gun that was hangi

(number 2), Yohan (n

d and lau

at me an

.." He

d my grip

crush rejected you before. And that's a complete lie because I only met

and let me fall and you'll help after. Real yoji is a hyper man." Th

tch me. You're smarter than I thought." He cro

the mask re

the alarm


he." The man walked closer to me and

did you do to him."

and leaned his f

rins and i stood the

ed the trigger but Iñego quickly

the safe. The pear

safe." i stood in there shock while all of the 6 walked out o

oor and safe

n place, knowing that m

o my eyes as I f

has bee

n I heard what

d away my tears. I ran out of

oing to close

nd finally saw the saf

when someone shot my right

obbing. Bl

being held by a random guy w

s screams coming fr

ng carried with 3 men with my leg bleeding. I noticed

n was al

d is b

eg is b

ld feel that they're taking me outside because

ugh my breath before my

oom, my whole body hurts.

ne put their hand on my che

son who touched me

e were also 2 ma

m I.." The butler

rently still healing." The butler said.

I answered and he lo

air, I thought you were a woman and your fa

ed weakly. Medjo my voice crack

red us not to say it." He said and took the food tray

your master? I'm here, even

word and the fou

er." They s

oor and suddenly the man I


pression and I l

Iñego went to the end of the bed lo

owly. My body hurts so much. When I was sitting down,

hands and saw tha

to a long iron hanging on the

looked at the man

me go, iñego!" I screamed as I was abo

was a sud

t just laughed calm

reath and f

side and sat on t

p while loo

nd brought his fa

my guys and stole something from me. So I'll be locking you up here as my prisoner. An

d up and walked out of the ro

and butlers give me, iñego, I want to leave but I can'

move the chain when

when it's wasted they give it to me aga

ow. My friend is dead. I'm

eds a

ived. A man came in with a tray full of food and a woman ca

at. I don't care i

the wrong medicine,

eat. If young master found out you're not eating, he will go bonkers and might

and just look

er. I want to leave. I will take revenge on

se to a maid and I took her t

at thought. Right you

suddenly came back to re

leave. By the way, what's y

and smiled. "No

said. "Nice to mee

led and the

thought. Suddenly the door opened loudly and I w

oat. It quickly came to me and

elt a little scared and just he

s do I have to tell my maids to get you to f

with anger and

ok the fork. He poked the fork

my mouth because of anger. I just looked at him

and suddenly

ted and my chee

bit my lip. He took my cheek

aid this and suddenly my eyes watered

i wonder what you'll look like while svck1ng my dic

I followed what he s

at me with a smile on his f

gone, but when I stopped eating, he slapped m

water with medicine a

me but I did

but I still won't drink

s I was holding and drank

nd kissed me. I was surprised and t

erted his tongue and inserted the w

lowed and he mo

ly while a little te

kiss and he stil

bit my lip. My tears are falling a little bit b

ith annoyance and

lse. Remember your place here, you're a prisoner of mine, You're lucky I d

han here." I answered and spat in his

and grabbed the

kicked me again. My head bled a little and I co

beating me and I was lying on the

spit on his face.'

blurry. Little by little I'm losin

maids and clean him up."

en my vision

he sound of gu

panicked and s

a butler entered w

and suddenly I

. He went to me and clo

at me. He put the first aid ki

s, so please come a bit c

nd he started c

I asked. It stopped cleani

eyes. This is beautiful. My face

wound again and aske

softly and he smiled w

creamed, ve

h?.." he said and stopped what he w

ittle because we were

t and just smiled and

hed you too hard. Poor you.." He said and he looked d

's just like that." He said t

t you were a helper?" I

er and i hated each other so.." he laughed

m a butler this whole t

id, "yes.." I said soft

seems quite unique." He ans

f Filipino, you?" I as

pino." He said and I was

he also Russian? That's why their eye c

e since iñego is his brother! But he said they don't like eac

ñego said while leaning against the doo


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