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The Hybrid: Mated To Her Enemy

The Hybrid: Mated To Her Enemy

Author: Susu Pearl

Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1331    |    Released on: 05/03/2024


re is a rite performed in our pack for all the unmated wolves. I was one of them and this was the forth

who had no one to turn to, I had h

the mating ceremony?" O

also hated her like we did to

she had done to her adopted fami

from the house all of a sudden which made everyone think it was my fault. I didn't know the details of what

. At first everyone there avoided me, later I became their slave. Treatin

I wouldn't be experiencing such hardship.


brought me back

have a ceremony to attend yet my dress hasn't bee

came to live in the pack house. Since she came in, my situ

your dress prepar

ap. " Are you saying I

started to leave for her room but she

e dress, she only came to torture me. I soon forgot about Isobel's maltreatment be

ated wolf was so happy. She then lined every female up. I couldn't stay in the line

rson on the line. I quickly went to the priestess. She looked at me

te will come," that was wh

to wait for another year. I stretched my hand to her and as usual

it turned blue and I couldn't exp

ns my child,"

saviour I've been waiting for all my life. Just as I waited, a


Then I slowly turned to see who that man gifted

" He g

speak a word. They all pause

d always ignored me. From what I knew, he was in love w

There was an ugly frown on his face. Alexander might no

you be

e one who paired us. I wished I could tell him that but I was s

our wedding date or not?

ust have also felt the

do you expect me to marry the pa

ds boy! " The p

wolves, we are only opportune to have one mate in our lifetime. It has be

would definitely be doomed to

k ridden girl and you can'

g. They agreed with Alexander, none o

hat to her!" Th

ed at her and shook my head. I didn't

. She's trash after all!"

know what his plan was but at least I was grateful that he didn't rejec

w why I deserved this. I didn't pray for someone like Alexander. I didn'

ped out, a pai

wouldn't even let me move. I struggled to move because I didn't want anyone seeing me at t

let things end. He must have gotten a smell of me because he looked at me. T

kept begging him but

because he also was done. I look

until the beast ceremony!" He said f

Alexander wasn't a nice person but I didn't expect that he would react to me thi

still trying to get up, I fell a

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